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Chemical Compound Review

arbutin     (2R,3S,4S,5R,6S)-2- (hydroxymethyl)-6-(4...

Synonyms: Arbutine, Arbutyne, Arbutoside, Uvasol, Ursin, ...
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Disease relevance of arbutin


High impact information on arbutin


Chemical compound and disease context of arbutin


Biological context of arbutin

  • Because this enzyme has its active site on the outer aspect of the inner membrane, it also catalyzes the transfer of phosphoglycerol residues to arbutin added to the medium (J.-P. Bohin and E. P. Kennedy, J. Biol. Chem. 259:8388-8393, 1984) [9].
  • From a genomic library of the industrially used strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM7290, a gene designated arbZ (869bp; encoding a 33.5kDa protein) was isolated by screening E. coli transformants for the ability to utilize the beta-glucoside arbutin [13].
  • The study of the kinetics and mechanism for inhibition of tyrosinase confirms the reversibility of arbutin as a competitive inhibitor of this enzyme [14].
  • When a plasmid containing the 8 kb beta-glucoside-specific regulon was transformed into E. coli CC118, the transformed strain was able to break down the beta-glucoside arbutin [15].
  • It was compared with those of kojic acid and arbutin, well-known tyrosinase inhibitors, with IC50 values of 6.32 and 112 microg/ mL, respectively [16].

Anatomical context of arbutin


Associations of arbutin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of arbutin

  • Therefore, it is very likely that the TGL2 gene can complement the E. coli diacylglycerol kinase disruptant, because it encodes a protein that degrades the diacylglycerol accumulated after growth in the presence of arbutin [22].
  • No significant difference in DOPAchrome tautomerase (DT) activity was observed before or after arbutin treatment [23].
  • On the other hand, the tyrosinase activity in the cells was reduced by arbutin treatment [24].
  • Targeted inactivation of each of the phospho-beta-glucosidase genes revealed that bglA is involved in aesculin hydrolysis, celA is essential for utilisation of cellobiose, amygdalin, gentobiose and salicin, and arb is required for utilisation of arbutin [25].
  • The arbutin transport gene, arbT, maps outside of the cel locus [2].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of arbutin


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