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Chemical Compound Review

AC1NSVLS     (2S,3R,4R,5R,6R)-3-amino-6...

Synonyms: SureCN595467
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Disease relevance of GALACTOSAMINE

  • The potential involvement of its counterreceptor, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), in the pathogenesis was investigated after administration of 100 micrograms/kg Salmonella abortus equi endotoxin (ET) in galactosamine-sensitized mice (Gal) [1].
  • A 6-hour EC treatment significantly increased the survival time and delayed the onset of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) in the Gal-intoxicated rabbits [2].
  • Alterations in epithelial barrier function and death in mice were prevented when Pseudomonas was pretreated with N-acetyl D-galactosamine (GalNAc), a binder of PA-I [3].
  • Thus RLC administration improved survival, reticuloendothelial function, DNA synthesis, and hepatocyte function after GAL-induced acute hepatic failure [4].
  • EcAF also aggregated 16 strains of oral bacteria including periodontopathic bacteria such as Porphyromonas (Bacteroides) gingivalis 381 and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans ATCC29522; however, those aggregations were not inhibited by GalNAc [5].

High impact information on GALACTOSAMINE


Chemical compound and disease context of GALACTOSAMINE

  • Treatment of C3Heb/FeJ mice with 700 mg/kg galactosamine (Gal) and 100 microg/kg Salmonella abortus equi ET increased caspase 3-like protease activity (Asp-Val-Glu-Asp-substrate) by 1730 +/- 140% at 6 h [9].

Biological context of GALACTOSAMINE

  • The results showed that two of three threonine residues on the MUC1 tandem repeat peptides were glycosylated by pancreatic tumor cell lysates at the following positons: GVTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPAH (underlined T indicates position of GalNAc attachment) [10].
  • Upregulation of ABCRYS mRNA in HSC, following Gal-intoxication (3.5-fold) as well as by culturing the HSC on plastic (20-30-fold), was confirmed by quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction [11].
  • DNA synthesis (an indicator of cell proliferation) did not increase in any group 24 hours after GAL administration; however, it increased strikingly at 48 hours in the GAL-RLC groups [4].
  • The mucus-induced hemagglutination was specifically inhibited by a low concentration of N-acetyl D-galactosamine (GalNAc), and all of this activity was completely inactivated by heating at 56 degrees C for 30 min [12].
  • In the present study, lectin cytochemistry in combination with enzymatic treatments and quantitative analysis has been applied at light and electron microscopical levels to develop a simple methodology allowing the in situ discrimination between penultimate and terminal Gal/GalNAc residues [13].

Anatomical context of GALACTOSAMINE

  • The results from both in vivo studies and from the use of SLO-permeabilized cells showed that, while GalNAc addition occurred under conditions which block vesicular transport, both cytosol and ATP were prerequisites for the M protein oligosaccharides to acquire Golgi modifications [7].
  • Synthetic peptides corresponding to the human mucin MUC1 tandem repeat domain (20 residues) were glycosylated in vitro by using UDP-N-[3H]acetyl-D-galactosamine (GalNAc) and lysates of pancreatic tumor cell lines [10].
  • RESULTS: Challenge with TNF-alpha/Gal significantly reduced sinusoidal perfusion, and increased leukocyte rolling, adhesion and liver enzymes [14].
  • The adherence of amebae to fixed human colonic mucosa was also GalNAc inhibitable [15].
  • The results of tests on Tn-polyagglutinable red blood cells with BS I + GalNAc anti-B and the purified isolectins BS I(A4) and BS I(B4) are also presented, and discussed in relation to current concepts on the structure of the Tn receptor [16].

Associations of GALACTOSAMINE with other chemical compounds

  • In some patients with IgAN, FACE analysis demonstrated a significant increase in the percentage of IgA1 O-glycan chains consisting of single N-acetyl galactosamine (GalNAc) units rather than the more usual galactosylated and sialylated forms [17].
  • However, Linomide had no protective effect when administered concomitantly with TNF-alpha/Gal [14].
  • For this purpose, mice were challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)+D-galactosamine (Gal), and intravital microscopy of the liver microcirculation was conducted 6 h later [18].
  • Aldehyde-fixed rabbit erythrocytes (RRBC) were used as a solid-phase plasma opsonin affinity absorbant, and deoxyGlu and GalNAc were used in the eluting buffer to desorb several RRBC-binding plasma proteins [19].
  • This GalNAc polysaccharide, the major component of cyst wall filaments, forms, in conjunction with polypeptides, the outer cyst wall of Giardia [20].

Gene context of GALACTOSAMINE

  • Caspase 3-like protease activity and apoptosis was not induced by Gal/ET in ET-resistant mice (C3H/HeJ) [9].
  • To assess the functional importance of KC and MIP-2, C3Heb/FeJ mice were treated with Gal/ET and control IgG or a combination of anti-KC and anti-MIP-2 antibodies [21].
  • Thus Gal/ET induced massive, cytokine-dependent CXC chemokine formation in the liver [21].
  • Furthermore, there was no difference in liver injury between BALB/cJ wild-type and CXC receptor-2 gene knockout (CXCR2-/-) mice treated with Gal/ET [21].
  • In this paper, four human pp-GalNAc-Ts (pp-GalNAc-T1, T2, T3, and T4) were tested for their preferential orders of GalNAc incorporation into FITC-PTTTPITTTTK, a portion of the tandem repeat of human MUC2 [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GALACTOSAMINE

  • These 14 positive stools were analyzed with an ELISA that detects Gal/GalNAc lectin antigen and can distinguish between E. histolytica and E. dispar [23].
  • Twenty-four hours after 68% hepatectomy in normal rats, RLC was prepared and 4 ml of this solution (40 to 50 mg protein) was injected intraperitoneally in other animals at 6 or 24 hours after GAL administration [4].
  • The long-term survival rate was 19.4% in the GAL-vehicle (control) group, 26.7% in the GAL-treated rats given liver cytosol from normal rats, and 72.2% (p less than 0.01 compared with both groups) in rats given RLC even 24 hours after GAL administration [4].
  • Experiments using [3H]-labeled bacteria and scanning electron microscopy clearly showed that 10953 adhered to lymphocytes and that adherence was blocked by L-arginine+GalNAc greater than L-arginine much greater than GalNAc [24].


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