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Chemical Compound Review

mercapto     $l^{1}-sulfane

Synonyms: sulfanyl, CHEBI:29312, CHEBI:30487, HS(.), H3S(.), ...
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Disease relevance of Hydrogen monosulfide


High impact information on Hydrogen monosulfide

  • We present evidence that the in vivo processing of H3S into H3F requires cell growth and/or division and may occur regularly each generation at a specific point in the cell cycle [6].
  • Automated sequence analyses of 14C-lysine-labeled macronuclear H3 together with either 3H-lysine-labeled H3S or H3F demonstrated that H3F is derived from H3S by a proteolytic cleavage which removes six residues from the amino terminus [6].
  • BACKGROUND/AIMS: Previous observations have shown that mercapto- and bromo- short-chain fatty acids diminish fatty acid use in colonic epithelium [7].
  • The activated cyclophosphamide can be converted quantitatively to 4-(S-benzyl)mercaptocyclophosphamide with benzyl mercaptan, and the mercapto derivative can be separated by thin-layer chromatography on silica gel with ethyl acetate:methyl ethyl ketone as solvent [8].
  • This leads to a high fluorescence quantum yield of 70-85% for the amine terminated multishell particles in organic solvents and a quantum yield of up to 50% for mercapto propionic acid-covered particles in water [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Hydrogen monosulfide


Biological context of Hydrogen monosulfide

  • Our results also suggest that proteolytic processing of micronuclear H3S into H3F (which occurs in a cell cycle dependent fashion during vegetative growth) is not operative during most if not all of conjugation [10].
  • In this report pulse-chase experiments have been used to study the processing of H3S into H3F during the sexual phase of the life cycle, conjugation [11].
  • Since in mating cells H3S becomes the more predominant form of H3, the pattern of histone phosphorylation was examined during stages of conjugation where micronuclei are active in mitotic division (6-7 h) [11].
  • Alkylation of the mercapto group decreased potency [12].
  • Thioapio dideoxydidehydronucleosides 22a,b were synthesized from the lactone 9 via thiolactone 17 as a key intermediate which was synthesized from dicyclohexylcarbodiimide coupling of the mercapto acid produced from the basic hydrolysis of thioacetate 16 [13].

Anatomical context of Hydrogen monosulfide

  • Thus micronuclei of mating cells contain only H3S which also seems consistent with the fact that some micronuclei differentiate into new macronuclei (micronuclear H3S is indistinguishable from macronuclear H3) [10].
  • The granulocytes were labelled with 400 microCi 111In-oxine in saline or 111In-trop or Merc in plasma [14].
  • Mechanisms of the in vivo inhibition of calcification of bioprosthetic porcine aortic valve cusps and aortic wall with triglycidylamine/mercapto bisphosphonate [15].
  • In addition to M22, M24, and M28, hepatocytes generated several S-methylated metabolites, including the methyl mercapto (M25), the methyl sulfoxide amide (M16), and the methyl sulfone amide (M20) metabolites [16].
  • In order to investigate its cellular processing and its role in B lymphocyte differentiation, a fluorescent derivative of the mercapto NEP inhibitor thiorphan, N-[fluoresceinyl]-N'-[1-(6-(3-mercapto-2-benzyl-1-oxopropyl) amino-1-hexyl]thiocarbamide (FTI), has been synthesized [17].

Associations of Hydrogen monosulfide with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Hydrogen monosulfide

  • The major site of metabolism is the TZD ring, which underwent opening catalyzed by CYP3A4 to give the mercapto derivative, M22 [16].
  • The concomitant infusion of 200 ng/min of the VP antagonist [(mercapto cyclopentamethylene propionic acid)-[methyl-tyrosine]arginine VP] during the CRH infusion in chronically stressed rats significantly reduced the magnitude of the pituitary CRH receptor loss from a 62% to a 43% decrease (P < 0.01) [22].
  • We have now modified HSA by the introduction of mercapto groups with the purpose of preparing stable and practical 99mTc-mercaptoalbumin with long retention in the vascular system, that could replace 99mTc-RBCs [23].
  • Compounds in which a dipeptide moiety is linked to a metal chelating mercapto group were synthesized to obtain effective enkephalinase B inhibitors [24].
  • The histamine H3 receptor (H3R) was recently cloned, and two isoforms, termed H3L and H3S, differing in the third intracytosolic loop, were isolated but the chromosomal mapping and organization of its gene remained unknown [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hydrogen monosulfide

  • The slower migrating micronuclear species, H3S, is indistinguishable from the macronuclear H3 by electrophoretic analyses in three gel systems and by partial proteolytic peptide mapping [6].
  • This report focuses on understanding the surface chemistry of FePt upon ligand exchange with mercapto compounds by conducting X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) studies [26].
  • A previous analysis based on patch test data from 1990 to 1993 has shown that the mercapto mix lacked sensitivity [27].


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