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Gene Review

MME  -  membrane metallo-endopeptidase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Atriopeptidase, CALLA, CD10, Common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigen, EPN, ...
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Disease relevance of MME


Psychiatry related information on MME


High impact information on MME


Chemical compound and disease context of MME


Biological context of MME


Anatomical context of MME

  • We find that CRI-positive cells and CD5 B cells both co-express slgD but fail to bind peanut agglutinin or MAbs specific for CD10, indicating that both cell types reside in the mantle zones of secondary B cell follicles [19].
  • This is probably due to a lack of sensitivity of this method, the level of NEP activity in Jurkat T cells being 3-5% of that measured in B cell lines [20].
  • Anti-CD10 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recognized the CD10+ B cell line Raji, but not Jurkat cells as assessed by FACS analysis [20].
  • CD10 (CALLA)/neutral endopeptidase 24.11 modulates inflammatory peptide-induced changes in neutrophil morphology, migration, and adhesion proteins and is itself regulated by neutrophil activation [21].
  • Recently, inhibition of CD10/NEP was found to reduce the concentration of metenkephalin needed to activate human and invertebrate granulocytes by several orders of magnitude [21].

Associations of MME with chemical compounds

  • We investigated the mechanisms of NEP regulation of cell migration in PC cells, including regulation of phosphorylation on tyrosine of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) [1].
  • The CD10 cell surface enzyme is known to hydrolyze a variety of biologically active peptides including met-enkephalin, formyl-met-leu-phe (f-MLP), and substance P [21].
  • Bradykinin (0.1 mmol/l) was inactivated in the presence and absence of inhibitors by rat skeletal muscle NEP, as measured by high-performance liquid chromatography [22].
  • Here we describe the crystal structure of the extracellular domain (residues 52-749) of human NEP complexed with the generic metalloproteinase inhibitor phosphoramidon at 2.1 A resolution [23].
  • Similarly, (S)-[[1-[(2-biphenyl-4-ylethyl)carbamoyl]-4-(2-fluorophenyl)but-3- yny l]amino]methyl]phosphonic acid (56), an arylacetylene amino phosphonate amide, had IC50's of 33 nM and 6.5 microM for ECE-1 and NEP, respectively [24].

Physical interactions of MME


Enzymatic interactions of MME


Regulatory relationships of MME

  • The effects of neurokinin A (NKA) and human hemokinin-1 (hHK-1) in tissues from pregnant but not from nonpregnant women were enhanced by the inhibition of neprilysin [32].
  • The present data suggest that NEP may be involved in the circulation control by degrading PAMP as well as ANP [33].
  • Soluble recombinant neprilysin induces aggrecanase-mediated cleavage of aggrecan in cartilage explant cultures [34].
  • Stimulation of the expression or activity of alpha-secretase or neprilysin has been shown to enhance Abeta degradation [35].
  • These data indicate that neprilysin proteolytically inactivates fibroblast growth factor-2, resulting in negative regulation of angiogenesis [36].

Other interactions of MME

  • Lineage commitment of the CD34+ cells into the erythroid lineage was assessed by the coexpression of high levels of the CD71 antigen, the myeloid lineage by coexpression of the CD33 antigen and the B-lymphoid lineage by the CD10 antigen [37].
  • The expression of aminopeptidase-N and neutral endopeptidase in human ovarian tissue was examined using specific monoclonal antibodies for each of these peptidases and histochemical staining for enzyme activity [38].
  • To better understand the nature of the signal responsible for the targeting of ECE-1b to the intracellular compartment, we have constructed several ECE/NEP chimaeric proteins and expressed them by transfection into Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells [25].
  • However, there was a highly significant augmentation in the NEP-inhibited segments, consistent with an inhibition of ET-1 degradation (median difference, 16.8; 95% CI, -23.5, -10.4; P =.002, Wilcoxon) [39].
  • RESULTS: Reduced DPP IV activity in serum and reduced NEP activity in BAL fluid were found in healthy smokers compared with non-smokers [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MME


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