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Rats, Inbred Lew

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Disease relevance of Rats, Inbred Lew


Psychiatry related information on Rats, Inbred Lew


High impact information on Rats, Inbred Lew

  • In the present study, we show that CD4+ anti-class II T cells are present in HgCl2-injected LEW rats and are as frequent as in BN rats when assessed by limiting dilution analysis [9].
  • We found that the gene coding for endothelin-2 (ET2), also known as vasoctive intestine peptide, cosegregated strongly with systolic blood pressure in a F2 population [F2(S x LEW)] derived from a cross of the Dahl salt-sensitive (S) rat and the Lewis (LEW/NCrlBR) (LEW) rat [10].
  • Immunodeficient athymic and cyclosporin A-treated LEW rats developed only the early phase arthritis, which was again paralleled by synovial Ia expression [11].
  • The LEW rats, which are resistant to MST cells, might have rejected the tumor on the basis of factors other than Ag-B antigens [12].
  • We have investigated their impact on graft rejection rates in busulfan-treated LEW rats [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Rats, Inbred Lew


Biological context of Rats, Inbred Lew


Anatomical context of Rats, Inbred Lew

  • We conclude that HgCl2 induces CD4+ autoreactive T cells that proliferate in the presence of class II+ cells in susceptible BN as well as in resistant LEW rats [9].
  • Line vLe, which was derived from Lewis (LEW) rat lymphocytes, and which recognized the encephalitogenic sequence 48-88 of MBP, was extremely efficient in mediating EAE to normal untreated LEW rats [18].
  • Ag-specific lymph node cells from LEW rats produced higher amounts of IL-2 and IFN-gamma than BN lymph node cells, but expressed less IL-4 mRNA [19].
  • Pulse labeling for 30 minutes revealed 8% BrdUrd-positive intravascular ED 1-positive class II-positive monocytes in situ on day 3 of treatment, which contrasted with almost-absent labeling of this cell population in normal LEW rats [20].
  • The renal glomeruli of chlorpromazine-treated LEW rats examined 6 and 48 hr after transfer of anti-brush border antibodies had punctate and, later, punctate and diffuse deposits of sheep (or rabbit) IgG on glomerular epithelial cells, but not similar deposits of rat C3 [21].

Associations of Rats, Inbred Lew with chemical compounds

  • These studies of azaserine-induced AACN provided a basis for selection of carcinogenic azaserine regimens and suggested that the young male W/LEW rat was the most sensitive of the animals studied [22].
  • Therefore, we tested these agents in LEW rats receiving a myeloablative dose of busulfan followed by transfer of F1 (CAP X LEW) marrow, which is unable to induce a graft-v-host reaction (GVHR) [23].
  • Neonatal islets of dorsal origin were transplanted intrasplenically (500-3000 islets) to streptozocin-induced diabetic inbred Lewis rats [24].
  • In the present study, we show that a 30-day course of LF 15-0195 treatment not only prevents MBP-immunized LEW rats from developing EAE but also preserves their refractory phase to reinduction of disease [25].
  • Most importantly, pretreatment of LEW rats with the dexamethasone-treated DC led to the indefinite survival of AUG kidney grafts after a short course of cyclosporin to inhibit the early direct pathway response [26].

Gene context of Rats, Inbred Lew


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rats, Inbred Lew


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