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Pcas  -  passive cutaneous anaphylaxis

Mus musculus

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Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pcas

  • Significant PCA reactions were elicited, however, with PI-specific IgG1 from IL-12-/- or anti-IFN-gamma Ab-treated mice, although less Ab was measured by ELISA [37].
  • Depletion with anti-IL-4 antibody led to profound suppression of IgE-eosinophil-mediated antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis responses against the parasite and no effect on IgG2a antibody, Ag-mediated blast transformation, or resistance [38].
  • The recombinant protein is able to induce a passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction in rat, and it behaves similarly to the native Equ c1 in several immunological tests with allergic patients' IgE antibodies, mouse monoclonal antibodies, or rabbit polyclonal IgG antibodies [39].
  • The potency measured by PCA inhibition in the mouse-to-rat system was compared with that of protein nitrogen (PN) content, end point of prick test in humans, and 50% radioallergosorbent test (RAST) inhibition [40].
  • These findings are of particular interest to those who are seeking (i) to measure food-extract-specific IgE antibody in animal models and (ii) an alternative to the animal-based PCA method to measure mouse IgE antibodies [41].


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