Gene Review:
Cacna1a - calcium channel, voltage-dependent, P/Q...
Mus musculus
APCA, BI, Brain calcium channel I, Caca1a, Cach4, ...
- A Cacna1a knockin migraine mouse model with increased susceptibility to cortical spreading depression. van den Maagdenberg, A.M., Pietrobon, D., Pizzorusso, T., Kaja, S., Broos, L.A., Cesetti, T., van de Ven, R.C., Tottene, A., van der Kaa, J., Plomp, J.J., Frants, R.R., Ferrari, M.D. Neuron (2004)
- The ataxic groggy rat has a missense mutation in the P/Q-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel alpha(1A) subunit gene and exhibits absence seizures. Tokuda, S., Kuramoto, T., Tanaka, K., Kaneko, S., Takeuchi, I.K., Sasa, M., Serikawa, T. Brain Res. (2007)
- Eye movements of the murine P/Q calcium channel mutant tottering, and the impact of aging. Stahl, J.S., James, R.A., Oommen, B.S., Hoebeek, F.E., De Zeeuw, C.I. J. Neurophysiol. (2006)
- Altered calcium channel currents in Purkinje cells of the neurological mutant mouse leaner. Lorenzon, N.M., Lutz, C.M., Frankel, W.N., Beam, K.G. J. Neurosci. (1998)
- The CAG/polyglutamine tract diseases: gene products and molecular pathogenesis. Koshy, B.T., Zoghbi, H.Y. Brain Pathol. (1997)
- Absence epilepsy in tottering mutant mice is associated with calcium channel defects. Fletcher, C.F., Lutz, C.M., O'Sullivan, T.N., Shaughnessy, J.D., Hawkes, R., Frankel, W.N., Copeland, N.G., Jenkins, N.A. Cell (1996)
- A single gene error of noradrenergic axon growth synchronizes central neurones. Noebels, J.L. Nature (1984)
- Inherited epilepsy: spike-wave and focal motor seizures in the mutant mouse tottering. Noebels, J.L., Sidman, R.L. Science (1979)
- Alpha1-adrenergic receptors prevent a maladaptive cardiac response to pressure overload. O'Connell, T.D., Swigart, P.M., Rodrigo, M.C., Ishizaka, S., Joho, S., Turnbull, L., Tecott, L.H., Baker, A.J., Foster, E., Grossman, W., Simpson, P.C. J. Clin. Invest. (2006)
- Cerebellar ataxia, seizures, premature death, and cardiac abnormalities in mice with targeted disruption of the Cacna2d2 gene. Ivanov, S.V., Ward, J.M., Tessarollo, L., McAreavey, D., Sachdev, V., Fananapazir, L., Banks, M.K., Morris, N., Djurickovic, D., Devor-Henneman, D.E., Wei, M.H., Alvord, G.W., Gao, B., Richardson, J.A., Minna, J.D., Rogawski, M.A., Lerman, M.I. Am. J. Pathol. (2004)
- Novel Cav2.1 splice variants isolated from Purkinje cells do not generate P-type Ca2+ current. Tsunemi, T., Saegusa, H., Ishikawa, K., Nagayama, S., Murakoshi, T., Mizusawa, H., Tanabe, T. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- The Cav2.1/alpha1A (P/Q-type) voltage-dependent calcium channel mediates inhibitory neurotransmission onto mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells. Stephens, G.J., Morris, N.P., Fyffe, R.E., Robertson, B. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2001)
- Opioidergic and dopaminergic gene expression in the caudate-putamen and accumbens of the mutant mouse, tottering (tg/tg). De Bartolomeis, A., Koprivica, V., Pickar, D., Crawley, J.N., Abbott, L.C. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. (1997)
- Compensatory contribution of Cav2.3 channels to acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction of tottering mice. Kaja, S., Van de Ven, R.C., Ferrari, M.D., Frants, R.R., Van den Maagdenberg, A.M., Plomp, J.J. J. Neurophysiol. (2006)
- Sarco-endoplasmic ATPase blocker 2,5-Di(tert-butyl)-1, 4-benzohydroquinone inhibits N-, P-, and Q- but not T-, L-, or R-type calcium currents in central and peripheral neurons. Scamps, F., Vigues, S., Restituito, S., Campo, B., Roig, A., Charnet, P., Valmier, J. Mol. Pharmacol. (2000)
- L-type calcium channels contribute to the tottering mouse dystonic episodes. Campbell, D.B., Hess, E.J. Mol. Pharmacol. (1999)
- Dynamic association of the Ca2+ channel alpha1A subunit and SNAP-25 in round or neurite-emitting chromaffin cells. Andrés-Mateos, E., Renart, J., Cruces, J., Solís-Garrido, L.M., Serantes, R., de Lucas-Cerrillo, A.M., Aldea, M., García, A.G., Montiel, C. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2005)
- Abnormal transmitter release at neuromuscular junctions of mice carrying the tottering alpha(1A) Ca(2+) channel mutation. Plomp, J.J., Vergouwe, M.N., Van den Maagdenberg, A.M., Ferrari, M.D., Frants, R.R., Molenaar, P.C. Brain (2000)
- Comparison of the effects of increased potassium and of adenosine on hippocampal neurons from normal and genetically epileptic tg/tg mice. Psarropoulou, C., Kostopoulos, G. Epilepsia (1993)
- Neurotransmitter release from tottering mice nerve terminals with reduced expression of mutated P- and Q-type Ca2+-channels. Leenders, A.G., van den Maagdenberg, A.M., Lopes da Silva, F.H., Sheng, Z.H., Molenaar, P.C., Ghijsen, W.E. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2002)
- Analysis of voltage-gated and synaptic conductances contributing to network excitability defects in the mutant mouse tottering. Helekar, S.A., Noebels, J.L. J. Neurophysiol. (1994)
- beta subunit reshuffling modifies N- and P/Q-type Ca2+ channel subunit compositions in lethargic mouse brain. Burgess, D.L., Biddlecome, G.H., McDonough, S.I., Diaz, M.E., Zilinski, C.A., Bean, B.P., Campbell, K.P., Noebels, J.L. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (1999)
- Expression analysis of P/Q-type Ca2+ channel alpha 1A subunit mRNA in olfactory mitral cell in N-type Ca2+ channel alpha 1B subunit gene-deficient mice. Takahashi, E., Ino, M., Miyamoto, N., Nagasu, T. Neurosci. Lett. (2004)
- Probable exclusion of the cortexin-encoding gene as a candidate for mouse neurological mutants: nervous, tottering and motor neuron degeneration. Horvath, D.H., Watson, J.B., Travis, G.H. Gene (1996)
- Mutations in high-voltage-activated calcium channel genes stimulate low-voltage-activated currents in mouse thalamic relay neurons. Zhang, Y., Mori, M., Burgess, D.L., Noebels, J.L. J. Neurosci. (2002)
- Chromosomal localization of the neurological mouse mutations tottering (tg), Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd), and nervous (nr). Campbell, D.B., Hess, E.J. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. (1996)
- Rocker is a new variant of the voltage-dependent calcium channel gene Cacna1a. Zwingman, T.A., Neumann, P.E., Noebels, J.L., Herrup, K. J. Neurosci. (2001)
- T-type Ca2+ channels and alpha1E expression in spermatogenic cells, and their possible relevance to the sperm acrosome reaction. Liévano, A., Santi, C.M., Serrano, C.J., Treviño, C.L., Bellvé, A.R., Hernández-Cruz, A., Darszon, A. FEBS Lett. (1996)
- Functional expression of L- and T-type Ca2+ channels in murine HL-1 cells. Xia, M., Salata, J.J., Figueroa, D.J., Lawlor, A.M., Liang, H.A., Liu, Y., Connolly, T.M. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. (2004)