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Gene Review

Mtss1  -  metastasis suppressor 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 2310003N14Rik, BC024131, D130001D01Rik, MIM, Metastasis suppressor protein 1, ...
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Disease relevance of Mtss1

  • Missing in metastasis (MIM) gene encodes an actin binding protein that is expressed at low levels in a subset of malignant cell lines [1].
  • Spondylocostal dysostosis (SD, MIM 277300) is a group of vertebral malsegmentation syndromes with reduced stature resulting from axial skeletal defects [2].
  • Keutel syndrome (KS, MIM 245150) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by abnormal cartilage calcification, peripheral pulmonary stenosis and midfacial hypoplasia [3].
  • Clustered attacks of epileptic episodes originating from the frontal lobe during sleep are the main symptoms of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE, MIM 600513) [4].
  • Hirschsprung disease (HSCR, MIM #142623) is a multigenic neurocristopathy (neural crest disorder) characterized by absence of enteric ganglia in a variable portion of the distal colon [5].

Psychiatry related information on Mtss1


High impact information on Mtss1


Chemical compound and disease context of Mtss1

  • We postulate that MIM-B may be a regulator of actin assembly downstream of tyrosine kinase signalling and that this activity may explain the involvement of MIM in the metastasis of cancer cells [11].

Biological context of Mtss1

  • However, an MIM mutant with deletion of the WH2 domain, which is responsible for G-actin binding, enhanced cell motility [1].
  • These data show that MIM is an ATP-G-actin binding protein that regulates cytoskeletal dynamics in specialized mammalian cell-types [12].
  • This mouse gene also shows strong sequence homology to human MIM (Missing in Metastasis), a cDNA fragment that is present in non-metastatic but absent in metastatic bladder cancer cell lines [12].
  • They further suggest that a melanoma metastasis-suppressor gene(s) is encoded on chromosome 6 or is regulated by genes on chromosome 6 [13].
  • To study the molecular and cellular basis of mosaicism, we established a mouse model for the autosomal-dominant skin blistering disorder, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (MIM 113800), which is caused by mutations in either keratin K1 or K10 [14].

Anatomical context of Mtss1


Associations of Mtss1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Mtss1


Other interactions of Mtss1

  • We previously identified Basal cell carcinoma-enriched gene 4 (BEG4)/Missing in Metastasis (MIM), a Shh-inducible, Wiskott-Aldrich homology 2 domain-containing protein that potentiates Gli transcription (Callahan, C.A., T. Ofstad, L. Horng, J.K. Wang, H.H. Zhen, P.A. Coulombe, and A.E. Oro. 2004. Genes Dev. 18:2724-2729) [15].
  • DRnm23 belongs to a multigene family which includes nm23-H1, the first bona fide metastasis suppressor gene, nm23-H2, nm23-H4, and nm23-H5 [20].
  • Gelsolin functions as a metastasis suppressor in B16-BL6 mouse melanoma cells and requirement of the carboxyl-terminus for its effect [21].
  • The nm23-M1, a putative metastasis-suppressor gene, and its homologs are involved in development and differentiation [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mtss1

  • Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrates that the actin monomer-binding site resides in the C-terminal WH2 domain of MIM [12].
  • A PCR analysis of various microcell hybrid clones with sequence-tagged site markers indicates that the metastasis suppressor activity is located in the q24.2 region of chromosome 16 [23].
  • Intrasplenic transplantation of GFP-expressing parental MIM cells into Fas-injured livers of SCID mice revealed liver-reconstituting activity [24].
  • The use of these models has enabled preclinical chemotherapeutic, chemoprevention, and genetic therapy studies in vivo, the testing of gene delivery systems, and the identification of tumour and metastasis suppressor and inducer genes [25].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Animal models of metastasis have supported drug development and have been useful for identification of metastasis suppressor and promoter genes as novel targets for the development of novel therapies [26].


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