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Gene Review

Nr1h3  -  nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H,...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AU018371, LXR, LXR alpha, Liver X receptor alpha, Lxra, ...
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Disease relevance of Nr1h3

  • To test if attenuation of LXR signaling may enhance prostate cancer progression from an androgen-dependent state to an androgen-independent state, castrated mice carrying 104-S tumors were given the synthetic LXR agonist T0901317 by gavage [1].
  • In cultured rat hepatoma and primary hepatocyte cells, fatty acids and the sulfur-substituted fatty acid analog, tetradecylthioacetic acid, robustly induce LXR alpha (up to 3.5- and 7-fold, respectively) but not LXR beta (also called OR-1) mRNA steady state levels, with unsaturated fatty acids being more effective than saturated fatty acids [2].
  • We propose that induction of peroxisomal beta-oxidation by LXR agonists may serve as a counterregulatory mechanism for responding to the hypertriglyceridemia and liver steatosis that is promoted by potent LXR agonists in vivo; however, additional studies are warranted [3].
  • Additionally, elimination of LXR activity in bone marrow-derived cells mimics many aspects of Tangier disease, a human high density lipoprotein deficiency, including aberrant regulation of cholesterol transporter expression, lipid accumulation in macrophages, splenomegaly, and increased atherosclerosis [4].
  • We have previously demonstrated that LXR alpha is down-regulated in animal models of obesity and diabetes, thus revealing a striking correlation between GLUT4 and LXR alpha expression in insulin-resistant conditions [5].

High impact information on Nr1h3

  • We now show that LXR signaling not only regulates macrophage cholesterol metabolism but also impacts antimicrobial responses [6].
  • LXR-null macrophages undergo accelerated apoptosis when challenged with LM and exhibit defective bacterial clearance in vivo [6].
  • LXR-dependent gene expression is important for macrophage survival and the innate immune response [6].
  • Our results demonstrate that LXR-dependent gene expression plays an unexpected role in innate immunity and suggest that common nuclear receptor pathways mediate macrophage responses to modified lipoproteins and intracellular pathogens [6].
  • These results demonstrate the existence of a physiologically significant feed-forward regulatory pathway for sterol metabolism and establish the role of LXR alpha as the major sensor of dietary cholesterol [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Nr1h3


Biological context of Nr1h3

  • Although activation of LXR leads to the induction of SREBP-1c gene expression and precursor protein, it has a very poor effect in inducing the mature nuclear form of the transcription factor [13].
  • Interestingly, the previously identified PPAR response element (PPRE) in the murine LXR alpha gene is not conserved in humans; however, a different PPRE is present in the human LXR 5'-flanking region [14].
  • Intriguingly, this element overlaps with a direct repeat 4, which serves as binding site for liver X receptor (LXR)/retinoid X receptor heterodimers, suggesting novel cross-talk between SREBP and LXR/retinoid X receptor in gene regulation [15].
  • In transfection studies, WT but not MUT TR-beta antagonized induction of this promoter by LXR-alpha [16].
  • LXR alpha (liver X receptor, also called RLD-1) is a nuclear receptor, highly expressed in tissues that play a role in lipid homeostasis [2].

Anatomical context of Nr1h3


Associations of Nr1h3 with chemical compounds

  • Macrophage lipid loading leads to ligand activation of LXRs and to induction of a pathway for cholesterol efflux involving the LXR target genes ABCA1 and apoE [14].
  • Most importantly, fecal neutral sterol loss was induced to a similar extent (+300%) by the LXR agonist in DBA/1 wild-type and Abca1(-/-) mice [20].
  • 17beta-Estradiol was shown to decrease mRNA expression of liver X receptor (LXR) alpha after 10 h of treatment compared with the vehicle control [21].
  • Surprisingly, high plasma beta-sitosterol and campesterol concentrations were even further elevated in Abcg5-null mice on treatment with the synthetic LXR agonist T0901317 (0.015% dietary supplementation, 10 days), whereas these concentrations were reduced by approximately 75% in wild-type mice [22].
  • Ligand activation of these receptors in vivo induces expression of the LXR target gene SREBP-1c and increases plasma triglyceride levels [23].

Physical interactions of Nr1h3


Regulatory relationships of Nr1h3

  • The LXR-induced SREBP-1c precursor, however, is rapidly cleaved on acute exposure to insulin via a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent mechanism [13].
  • These results have implications for cholesterol metabolism in human macrophages and its potential to be regulated by synthetic LXR and/or PPAR gamma ligands [14].
  • We further show that the ability of LXR ligands to regulate MMP-9 expression is strictly receptor-dependent and is not observed in macrophages obtained from LXRalphabeta null mice [27].
  • Cross-talk between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha and liver X receptor (LXR) in nutritional regulation of fatty acid metabolism. II. LXRs suppress lipid degradation gene promoters through inhibition of PPAR signaling [24].
  • Additionally, LXR activation stimulated the excretion of plasma-derived [ 3 H]cholesterol into the fecal neutral sterol fraction in Mdr2 -/- mice [28].
  • Silencing of LXR-alpha mRNA expression in GH3 cells with small interfering RNA specific to LXR-alpha caused a loss of promoter activity induced by the LXR ligand, suggesting that LXR-alpha directly regulates the POMC gene promoter [29].

Other interactions of Nr1h3

  • Nuclear run-on assay indicated that the effect of LXR agonist on PLTP expression was at the transcriptional level [18].
  • Exposure to agonists of retinoid X receptor (RXR), the obligate heterodimer partner of PPARalpha, and LXR results in responses that partially overlap with those of PP [30].
  • Exposure to FXR/LXRalpha modulators may affect the disposition of Ostalpha/beta substrates [31].
  • Due to its fatty acid structure, PFOA may activate other NRs, such as PPARbeta, PPARgamma, liver X receptor (LXR), or retinoid X receptor (RXR) [32].
  • The genes encoding the three enzymes of the classic peroxisomal beta-oxidation cycle, acyl-coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) oxidase, enoyl-CoA hydratase/L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, are activated by the LXR ligand, T0901317 [3].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nr1h3

  • In addition, in vivo LXR alpha expression was induced by fatty acids, consistent with the in vitro cell culture data [2].
  • Sequence analyses indicated the presence of IR-1 regions in Ostalpha and Ostbeta promoters, which was confirmed by the finding that the deletion of IR-1 sequences abolished the response to FXR and LXRalpha [31].
  • In this study bone marrow transplantations were used to selectively eliminate macrophage LXR expression in the context of murine models of atherosclerosis [4].
  • In situ hybridization analyses of tissues from LXR agonist-treated mice revealed that ABCG5/G8 mRNA is located in hepatocytes and enterocytes and is increased upon LXR activation [8].
  • Affymetrix microarray data and Northern blot assays demonstrated that phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) was induced 6-fold when either murine or human macrophages were incubated in the presence of ligands for the liver X receptor (LXR) and the retinoid X receptor [33].


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