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Gene Review

Nr4a1  -  nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A,...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: HMR, Hmr, NGFI-B, NUR77, Nerve growth factor-induced protein I-B, ...
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Disease relevance of Nr4a1


High impact information on Nr4a1

  • NGFI-B, an early response protein and orphan member of this receptor superfamily, binds to a DNA sequence that contains only one half-site (5'-AAAGGTCA-3') [5].
  • A domain separate from the NGFI-B zinc fingers, termed the A box, was identified and is required for recognition of the two adenine-thymidine (A-T) base pairs at the 5' end of the NGFI-B DNA binding element [5].
  • Identification of the DNA binding site for NGFI-B by genetic selection in yeast [6].
  • Here we show that nerve growth factor (NGF) induces the phosphorylation of Ser 105 of NGFI-B in PC12 phaeochromocytoma cells, resulting in translocation of the NGFI-B-RXR heterodimer complex out of the nucleus using nuclear export signals within NGFI-B [7].
  • Modulation of retinoid signalling through NGF-induced nuclear export of NGFI-B [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Nr4a1

  • In contrast, HMR 1402 had a smaller effect on pancreatic beta-cells (rat insuloma cells, RINm5F) hyperpolarized with 100 microM diazoxide (IC(50) = 3.9 microM, compared with glibenclamide IC(50) = 9 nM) [8].
  • Increase of transcriptional levels of egr-1 and nur77 genes due to both nicotine treatment and withdrawal in pheochromocytoma cells [9].
  • HMR 1098 also prevented cardiac arrest and mitochondrial uncoupling induced by P-1075, such as (a) depletion of phosphocreatine and ATP by 40%, (b) two-fold decrease in venous oxygen, and (c) reduction of cytochrome c oxidase (demonstrated by an increase in 603 nm optical absorbance) [10].

Biological context of Nr4a1


Anatomical context of Nr4a1

  • In the present study, expression of the NGFI-B gene in the rat pineal gland was found to exhibit a robust circadian rhythm, with elevated levels of NGFI-B mRNA occurring at night [12].
  • NGFI-B is a gene, identified by differential hybridization, that is rapidly, but transiently induced in PC12 cells by NGF [13].
  • In particular, the NGFI-B ligand-binding domain (LBD) exhibits only modest activity in cell lines in which the Nurr1 LBD strongly activates transcription [14].
  • In the rat ovary, the preovulatory surge of LH induces NGFI-B expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles, reaching a peak within 1 h and declining to control levels at 6 h [15].
  • The products of nur77 are known to be involved in the apoptotic process, as nur77 is a transcription factor expressed in response to T-cell receptor-mediated apoptosis in immature T cells [16].

Associations of Nr4a1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Nr4a1

  • Recently, it was demonstrated that NGFI-B interacts with Bcl-2 by inducing a conformational change in Bcl-2, converting it from protector to a killer [19].

Co-localisations of Nr4a1

  • Double in situ hybridization studies showed that striatal NGFI-B mRNA colocalized with a subset of preproenkephalin and prodynorphin positive spiny neurons within the dorsomedial striatum; 22--28% of all opiate-peptide positive cells co-expressed NGFI-B mRNA [20].

Regulatory relationships of Nr4a1

  • Thus, activation of ERK2 may overcome apoptosis-induced subcellular translocation of NGFI-B [19].
  • Fos kinase isolated from nerve growth factor-stimulated PC12 cells is indistinguishable from NGFI-B kinase I, based on their chromatographic behavior, substrate specificities, and relative sensitivity to BIM [21].
  • ATP also induced a slight increase in nur77 mRNA but was ineffective in inducing c-myc expression in these cells [22].
  • NGFI-B did not colocalize with striatal aspiny interneurons expressing choline acetyl transferase mRNA or those containing the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin [20].

Other interactions of Nr4a1

  • RNR-1, a nuclear receptor in the NGFI-B/Nur77 family that is rapidly induced in regenerating liver [11].
  • Among these genes, we are particularly interested in Nor-1, because this gene belongs to the Nur77 family, which plays a key role in the apoptotic processes of a variety of cells and tissues, including the lung [1].
  • When a plasmid encoding dominant-negative Nur77 was transfected into A549 cells, cadmium-induced apoptotic changes, such as chromosomal condensation and Bax expression, were significantly reduced, suggesting that the expression of Nur77 plays an important role in cadmium-induced apoptosis [1].
  • We focused our attention to expression of transcription factors and several of them were up- or down-regulated by nicotine, among these Nr4a1 (Nurr77), Egr-1 and Egr-2 [23].
  • The prominent induction of NGFI-B, NGFI-C, egr-2, and egr-3 in the anterior cingulate cortex, the ACA/MCA transition zone, and medial striatum could reflect the ischemic regions around MCA infarcts [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nr4a1

  • We found that nur77 was rapidly transcripted in vitro following exposure of freshly isolated rat thymocytes to 3 microM DBTC. nur77 induction has also been observed in vivo after treatment of rats with apoptotic doses (60 mg/kg body wt) of DBTC [16].
  • In situ hybridization was performed to check the localization of the NGFI-B gene in rat liver [2].
  • In human specimens, the NGFI-B family genes expression was stronger than that before ischemic insult. pCREB protein was detected in the rat liver sampled 15 min after reperfusion [2].
  • Expression of phospho-Ser-133-specific cyclic adenosine-3' :5'-monophosphate response element binding (pCREB) protein was examined by Western blot analysis and gel shift assay, since the promoter region of the NGFI-B family genes contains CRE [2].
  • METH injection resulted in increased expression of members of the Jun, Egr, and Nur77 subfamilies of transcription factors (TFs), changes that were confirmed by quantitative PCR [25].


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