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Photic Stimulation

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Disease relevance of Photic Stimulation


Psychiatry related information on Photic Stimulation


High impact information on Photic Stimulation


Chemical compound and disease context of Photic Stimulation


Biological context of Photic Stimulation


Anatomical context of Photic Stimulation


Associations of Photic Stimulation with chemical compounds

  • Localized 1H NMR measurement of glucose consumption in the human brain during visual stimulation [27].
  • When corrected by the global values, the magnitudes of the CBF and CMRO(2) responses to visual stimulation after acetazolamide administration were less than those before (20% vs 38% in CBF and -9% vs 3% in CMRO(2)) [28].
  • Reversal appears possible by increasing melatonin levels with either appropriately timed exposure to photic stimulation and/or appropriately timed administration of exogenous melatonin [29].
  • They used flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) scan sequences to measure CBF and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) sensitive T2* scan sequences during visual stimulation to measure neuronal activation before and after cocaine and saline infusions [30].
  • As the fMRI baseline signal increased linearly with expired CO2 from hypocapnic to hypercapnic levels, the magnitude of the BOLD response to visual stimulation decreased linearly [31].

Gene context of Photic Stimulation


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Photic Stimulation


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