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Gene Review

GLG1  -  golgi glycoprotein 1

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Disease relevance of GLG1


High impact information on GLG1

  • Approximately 80% of secreted and membrane proteins (40% of all proteins) of eukaryotes become covalently linked to sugars in the lumen of the Golgi apparatus, a cellular organelle that is part of the secretory system of all eukaryotes [3].
  • The sugar donors are mostly nucleoside diphosphate sugars (nucleotide sugars) and must be translocated from the cytosol, their site of synthesis, across the Golgi apparatus membrane and into the lumen by specific transporters [3].
  • They are, however, consistent with electron microscope studies of the fat secretion process, which indicate that secretory vesicle membranes, derived from the Golgi apparatus, may provide a large proportion of the fat globule membrane [4].
  • Labeling was undetectable in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, its transitional elements, and smooth-membraned structures close to them, the trans Golgi apparatus, mucin droplets, and the plasma membrane [5].
  • Apomucin immunolabeling was found throughout the endoplasmic reticulum and the intermediate compartment and partially overlapped the region of transferase labeling in the Golgi apparatus as demonstrated by double immunolabeling [5].

Biological context of GLG1

  • In this study, we find that Tctex-1, a light chain of cytoplasmic dynein, localizes predominantly to the Golgi apparatus in interphase fibroblasts [6].
  • The present study was undertaken to provide an indepth investigation of the relationship between shear stress, GA/MTOC localization, cell migration and nuclear position [7].
  • In agreement with the proposed involvement of the Golgi apparatus during secretion, secreted NSP4 appears to undergo additional posttranslational modification compared to its cell-associated counterpart and is partially resistant to deglycosylation by endoglycosidase H [8].
  • It is likely that the ability to fragment the Golgi apparatus, as well as other activities, are also related to ilimaquinone's influence on methylation chemistry [9].
  • Fertilization introduces the sperm centrosome that can reorganize Golgi proteins, but neither fertilization nor cytokinesis prior to compaction requires a functional Golgi apparatus [10].

Anatomical context of GLG1


Associations of GLG1 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of GLG1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GLG1


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