MeSH Review:
Indians, North American
- Impaired antibody response to Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide and low IgG2 and IgG4 concentrations in Apache children. Siber, G.R., Santosham, M., Reid, G.R., Thompson, C., Almeido-Hill, J., Morell, A., deLange, G., Ketcham, J.K., Callahan, E.H. N. Engl. J. Med. (1990)
- Familial ligand-defective apolipoprotein B. Identification of a new mutation that decreases LDL receptor binding affinity. Pullinger, C.R., Hennessy, L.K., Chatterton, J.E., Liu, W., Love, J.A., Mendel, C.M., Frost, P.H., Malloy, M.J., Schumaker, V.N., Kane, J.P. J. Clin. Invest. (1995)
- Cancer incidence and survival among American Indians registered for Indian health service care in Montana, 1982-1987. Bleed, D.M., Risser, D.R., Sperry, S., Hellhake, D., Helgerson, S.D. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1992)
- Influence of legume intake on biliary lipids and cholesterol saturation in young Chilean men. Identification of a dietary risk factor for cholesterol gallstone formation in a highly prevalent area. Nervi, F., Covarrubias, C., Bravo, P., Velasco, N., Ulloa, N., Cruz, F., Fava, M., Severín, C., Del Pozo, R., Antezana, C. Gastroenterology (1989)
- Mutation analysis of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator gene in Native American populations of the southwest. Grebe, T.A., Doane, W.W., Richter, S.F., Clericuzio, C., Norman, R.A., Seltzer, W.K., Rhodes, S.N., Goldberg, B.E., Hernried, L.S., McClure, M. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1992)
- Increasing prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among American Indians in Montana. Oser, C.S., Harwell, T.S., Strasheim, C., Fogle, C., Blades, L.L., Dennis, T.D., Johnson, E.A., Gohdes, D., Helgerson, S.D. American journal of preventive medicine. (2005)
- Prevalence of smoking among adult American Indian clinic users in northern California. Hodge, F.S., Cummings, S., Fredericks, L., Kipnis, P., Williams, M., Teehee, K. Preventive medicine. (1995)
- Performance of elderly Native Americans and Caucasians on the CERAD Neuropsychological Battery. Whyte, S.R., Cullum, C.M., Hynan, L.S., Lacritz, L.H., Rosenberg, R.N., Weiner, M.F. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. (2005)
- Gender differences and conduct disorder among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment. Fisckenscher, A., Novins, D. Journal of psychoactive drugs. (2003)
- Treatment implications of comorbid psychopathology in American Indians and Alaska Natives. Walker, R.D., Lambert, M.D., Walker, P.S., Kivlahan, D.R. Culture, medicine and psychiatry. (1992)
- Alcohol metabolism in American Indians and whites. Lack of racial differences in metabolic rate and liver alcohol dehydrogenase. Bennion, L.J., Li, T.K. N. Engl. J. Med. (1976)
- Y chromosomes point to Native American Adam. Hutardo de Mendoza, D., Braginski, R. Science (1999)
- Treatment of photosensitive American Indians with oral beta carotene. Fusaro, R.M., Johnson, J.A. JAMA (1980)
- Racial misclassification of Native Americans in a surveillance, epidemiology, and end results cancer registry. Frost, F., Taylor, V., Fries, E. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1992)
- Correlation between muscle glycogen synthase activity and in vivo insulin action in man. Bogardus, C., Lillioja, S., Stone, K., Mott, D. J. Clin. Invest. (1984)
- Ethnic differences in the prevalence of nonmalignant respiratory disease among uranium miners. Mapel, D.W., Coultas, D.B., James, D.S., Hunt, W.C., Stidley, C.A., Gilliland, F.D. American journal of public health. (1997)
- Dental caries and tetracycline-stained dentition in an American Indian population. Rebich, T., Kumar, J., Brustman, B. J. Dent. Res. (1985)
- Nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an American Indian population. Leman, R., Alvarado-Ramy, F., Pocock, S., Barg, N., Kellum, M., McAllister, S., Cheek, J., Kuehnert, M. Infection control and hospital epidemiology : the official journal of the Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of America. (2004)
- Beverage consumption and risk of obesity among Native Americans in Arizona. Wharton, C.M., Hampl, J.S. Nutr. Rev. (2004)
- Overnutrition induced decrease in insulin action for glucose storage: in vivo and in vitro in man. Mott, D.M., Lillioja, S., Bogardus, C. Metab. Clin. Exp. (1986)
- Ancestral Asian source(s) of new world Y-chromosome founder haplotypes. Karafet, T.M., Zegura, S.L., Posukh, O., Osipova, L., Bergen, A., Long, J., Goldman, D., Klitz, W., Harihara, S., de Knijff, P., Wiebe, V., Griffiths, R.C., Templeton, A.R., Hammer, M.F. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1999)
- Strong Amerind/white sex bias and a possible Sephardic contribution among the founders of a population in northwest Colombia. Carvajal-Carmona, L.G., Soto, I.D., Pineda, N., Ortíz-Barrientos, D., Duque, C., Ospina-Duque, J., McCarthy, M., Montoya, P., Alvarez, V.M., Bedoya, G., Ruiz-Linares, A. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (2000)
- mtDNA and Y-chromosome polymorphisms in four Native American populations from southern Mexico. Torroni, A., Chen, Y.S., Semino, O., Santachiara-Beneceretti, A.S., Scott, C.R., Lott, M.T., Winter, M., Wallace, D.C. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1994)
- Autoantibodies to the extracellular matrix microfibrillar protein, fibrillin-1, in patients with scleroderma and other connective tissue diseases. Tan, F.K., Arnett, F.C., Antohi, S., Saito, S., Mirarchi, A., Spiera, H., Sasaki, T., Shoichi, O., Takeuchi, K., Pandey, J.P., Silver, R.M., LeRoy, C., Postlethwaite, A.E., Bona, C.A. J. Immunol. (1999)
- Rheumatoid arthritis in a United States Public Health Service Hospital in Oklahoma: serologic manifestations in rheumatoid arthritis vary among tribal groups. Scofield, R.H., Fogle, M., Rhoades, E.R., Harley, J.B. Arthritis Rheum. (1996)
- HLA antigens in Yakima Indians with rheumatoid arthritis. Lack of association with HLA-Dw4 and HLA-DR4. Willkens, R.F., Hansen, J.A., Malmgren, J.A., Nisperos, B., Mickelson, E.M., Watson, M.A. Arthritis Rheum. (1982)
- Abnormalities in fibrillin 1-containing microfibrils in dermal fibroblast cultures from patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma). Wallis, D.D., Tan, F.K., Kielty, C.M., Kimball, M.D., Arnett, F.C., Milewicz, D.M. Arthritis Rheum. (2001)
- Diabetes and coronary heart disease in American Indians: The Strong Heart Study. Howard, B.V., Lee, E.T., Fabsitz, R.R., Robbins, D.C., Yeh, J.L., Cowan, L.D., Welty, T.K. Diabetes (1996)
- Dietary inferences from dental occlusal microwear at Mission San Luis de Apalachee. Organ, J.M., Teaford, M.F., Larsen, C.S. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. (2005)
- Lactase deficiency: a common genetic trait of the American Indian. Newcomer, A.D., Thomas, P.J., McGill, D.B., Hofmann, A.F. Gastroenterology (1977)
- Serum cholesterol and mortality rates in a Native American population with low cholesterol concentrations: a U-shaped association. Fagot-Campagna, A., Hanson, R.L., Narayan, K.M., Sievers, M.L., Pettitt, D.J., Nelson, R.G., Knowler, W.C. Circulation (1997)
- An autosomal genomic scan for loci linked to type II diabetes mellitus and body-mass index in Pima Indians. Hanson, R.L., Ehm, M.G., Pettitt, D.J., Prochazka, M., Thompson, D.B., Timberlake, D., Foroud, T., Kobes, S., Baier, L., Burns, D.K., Almasy, L., Blangero, J., Garvey, W.T., Bennett, P.H., Knowler, W.C. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1998)
- Amino acid substitutions in genetic variants of human serum albumin and in sequences inferred from molecular cloning. Takahashi, N., Takahashi, Y., Blumberg, B.S., Putnam, F.W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1987)
- Intentional isoniazid overdosage among southwestern American Indians. Sievers, M.L., Cynamon, M.H., Bittker, T.E. The American journal of psychiatry. (1975)
- Haplotype-based localization of an alcohol dependence gene to the 5q34 {gamma}-aminobutyric acid type A gene cluster. Radel, M., Vallejo, R.L., Iwata, N., Aragon, R., Long, J.C., Virkkunen, M., Goldman, D. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (2005)
- Allelic variation at alcohol metabolism genes ( ADH1B, ADH1C, ALDH2) and alcohol dependence in an American Indian population. Mulligan, C.J., Robin, R.W., Osier, M.V., Sambuughin, N., Goldfarb, L.G., Kittles, R.A., Hesselbrock, D., Goldman, D., Long, J.C. Hum. Genet. (2003)
- A proline-threonine substitution in codon 351 of ADH1C is common in Native Americans. Osier, M.V., Pakstis, A.J., Goldman, D., Edenberg, H.J., Kidd, J.R., Kidd, K.K. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. (2002)
- Further diversification of the HLA-B locus in Central American Amerindians: new B*39 and B*51 alleles in the Kuna of Panama. Iwanaga, K.K., Eberle, M., Kolman, C.J., Bermingham, E., Watkins, D.I. Tissue Antigens (1997)
- Ethnic susceptibility to lung cancer: differences in CYP2E1, CYP1A1 and GSTM1 genetic polymorphisms between French Caucasian and Chilean populations. Quiñones, L., Berthou, F., Varela, N., Simon, B., Gil, L., Lucas, D. Cancer Lett. (1999)
- Energy expenditure and body fat distribution in Mohawk children. Goran, M.I., Kaskoun, M., Johnson, R., Martinez, C., Kelly, B., Hood, V. Pediatrics (1995)
- Patterns and correlates of physical activity among US women 40 years and older. Brownson, R.C., Eyler, A.A., King, A.C., Brown, D.R., Shyu, Y.L., Sallis, J.F. American journal of public health. (2000)
- Cardiovascular risk factors in Montana American Indians with and without diabetes. Harwell, T.S., Moore, K., McDowall, J.M., Helgerson, S.D., Gohdes, D. American journal of preventive medicine. (2003)
- Meta-analysis reveals association between most common class II haplotype in full-heritage Native Americans and rheumatoid arthritis. Williams, R.C., Jacobsson, L.T., Knowler, W.C., del Puente, A., Kostyu, D., McAuley, J.E., Bennett, P.H., Pettitt, D.J. Hum. Immunol. (1995)
- A comparative study of HLA-DRB typing by transcription-mediated amplification with the hybridization protection assay (TMA/HPA) versus PCR/SSOP. Smith, A.G., Matsubara, K., Mickelson, E., Marashi, A., Regen, L., Guthrie, L.A., Hansen, J.A. Hum. Immunol. (1997)