Gene Review:
mys - myospheroid
Drosophila melanogaster
BetaPS, BetaPS-Int, CG1560, CT40473, Dmel\CG1560, ...
- Delayed behavioural aging and altered mortality in Drosophila beta integrin mutants. Goddeeris, M.M., Cook-Wiens, E., Horton, W.J., Wolf, H., Stoltzfus, J.R., Borrusch, M., Grotewiel, M.S. Aging Cell (2003)
- Behavioral responses to odorants in drosophila require nervous system expression of the beta integrin gene myospheroid. Bhandari, P., Gargano, J.W., Goddeeris, M.M., Grotewiel, M.S. Chem. Senses (2006)
- A role for integrin in the formation of sarcomeric cytoarchitecture. Volk, T., Fessler, L.I., Fessler, J.H. Cell (1990)
- The function of PS integrins during Drosophila embryogenesis. Leptin, M., Bogaert, T., Lehmann, R., Wilcox, M. Cell (1989)
- Requirement for integrins during Drosophila wing development. Brower, D.L., Jaffe, S.M. Nature (1989)
- Nonequivalent requirements for PS1 and PS2 integrin at cell attachments in Drosophila: genetic analysis of the alpha PS1 integrin subunit. Brower, D.L., Bunch, T.A., Mukai, L., Adamson, T.E., Wehrli, M., Lam, S., Friedlander, E., Roote, C.E., Zusman, S. Development (1995)
- Requirements for the cytoplasmic domain of the alphaPS1, alphaPS2 and betaPS integrin subunits during Drosophila development. Li, X., Graner, M.W., Williams, E.L., Roote, C.E., Bunch, T.A., Zusman, S. Development (1998)
- PS2 integrin requirements in Drosophila embryo and wing morphogenesis. Brabant, M.C., Brower, D.L. Dev. Biol. (1993)
- The role of apterous in the control of dorsoventral compartmentalization and PS integrin gene expression in the developing wing of Drosophila. Blair, S.S., Brower, D.L., Thomas, J.B., Zavortink, M. Development (1994)
- A role for PS integrins in morphological growth and synaptic function at the postembryonic neuromuscular junction of Drosophila. Beumer, K.J., Rohrbough, J., Prokop, A., Broadie, K. Development (1999)
- Functions for PS integrins in tissue adhesion, migration, and shape changes during early embryonic development in Drosophila. Roote, C.E., Zusman, S. Dev. Biol. (1995)
- Integrins modulate the Egfr signaling pathway to regulate tendon cell differentiation in the Drosophila embryo. Martin-Bermudo, M.D. Development (2000)
- Functions of the cytoplasmic domain of the beta PS integrin subunit during Drosophila development. Grinblat, Y., Zusman, S., Yee, G., Hynes, R.O., Kafatos, F.C. Development (1994)
- A novel alpha integrin subunit associates with betaPS and functions in tissue morphogenesis and movement during Drosophila development. Stark, K.A., Yee, G.H., Roote, C.E., Williams, E.L., Zusman, S., Hynes, R.O. Development (1997)
- The Drosophila position-specific antigens are a family of cell surface glycoprotein complexes. Wilcox, M., Brown, N., Piovant, M., Smith, R.J., White, R.A. EMBO J. (1984)
- Amino acid changes in Drosophila alphaPS2betaPS integrins that affect ligand affinity. Bunch, T.A., Helsten, T.L., Kendall, T.L., Shirahatti, N., Mahadevan, D., Shattil, S.J., Brower, D.L. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Focal adhesion kinase controls morphogenesis of the Drosophila optic stalk. Murakami, S., Umetsu, D., Maeyama, Y., Sato, M., Yoshida, S., Tabata, T. Development (2007)
- Morphogenesis in the absence of integrins: mutation of both Drosophila beta subunits prevents midgut migration. Devenport, D., Brown, N.H. Development (2004)
- The receptor tyrosine phosphatase Dlar and integrins organize actin filaments in the Drosophila follicular epithelium. Bateman, J., Reddy, R.S., Saito, H., Van Vactor, D. Curr. Biol. (2001)
- Integrins regulate DLG/FAS2 via a CaM kinase II-dependent pathway to mediate synapse elaboration and stabilization during postembryonic development. Beumer, K., Matthies, H.J., Bradshaw, A., Broadie, K. Development (2002)
- Integrins modulate Sog activity in the Drosophila wing. Araujo, H., Negreiros, E., Bier, E. Development (2003)
- Tiggrin, a novel Drosophila extracellular matrix protein that functions as a ligand for Drosophila alpha PS2 beta PS integrins. Fogerty, F.J., Fessler, L.I., Bunch, T.A., Yaron, Y., Parker, C.G., Nelson, R.E., Brower, D.L., Gullberg, D., Fessler, J.H. Development (1994)
- Developmental analysis of Drosophila position-specific antigens. Brower, D.L., Piovant, M., Reger, L.A. Dev. Biol. (1985)
- Cloning and characterization of novel beta integrin subunits from a sea urchin. Marsden, M., Burke, R.D. Dev. Biol. (1997)
- Characterization of mutant alleles of myospheroid, the gene encoding the beta subunit of the Drosophila PS integrins. Bunch, T.A., Salatino, R., Engelsgjerd, M.C., Mukai, L., West, R.F., Brower, D.L. Genetics (1992)