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Gene Review

PVR  -  poliovirus receptor

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD155, HVED, NECL-5, NECL5, Necl-5, ...
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Disease relevance of PVR


Psychiatry related information on PVR

  • Incompetent patient (PVS): decision-making, courts and the family -- In re Tavel [5].
  • While there is growing support for withdrawing/withholding food and water (assisted nutrition and hydration, or "AHN") from people described as being in a "persistent vegetative state" ("PVS") and people with other profound neurological impairments, such as advanced dementia, the issue remains controversial, and for many, unresolved [6].

High impact information on PVR


Chemical compound and disease context of PVR

  • The fit was confirmed by the location of carbohydrate moieties in the CD155 glycoprotein, the conserved properties of elbow angles in the structures of cell surface molecules with Ig-like folds, and the concordance with prior results of CD155 and poliovirus mutagenesis [10].
  • In the patients with pulmonary hypertension, PVR fell significantly after inhaled NO and after prostacyclin [11].
  • Treatment of SOFIA cells with 5-azacytidine restored susceptibility to poliovirus infection, which correlated with the appearance of PVRs at the cell surface, as detected with anti-PVR monoclonal antibody D171 [12].
  • Eleven patients, with advanced chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD), received an infusion of the calcium antagonist felodipine at a rate of 0.9 mg/h. Pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances (PVR and SVR) at rest were reduced by 18% (p less than 0.05) and 33% (p less than 0.001), respectively [13].
  • METHODS: Forty-one men over the age of 50 years with an American Urological Association (AUA) symptom score greater than 8, postvoid residual urine volume (PVR) less than 300 mL, and no clinical or biochemical evidence of prostate cancer were treated with terazosin independent of the baseline PFR [14].

Biological context of PVR


Anatomical context of PVR


Associations of PVR with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of PVR


Regulatory relationships of PVR

  • PVR cell surface expression was detected on most mononuclear cells expressing CD14, a marker for mononuclear phagocytes [25].

Other interactions of PVR

  • HIgR shares its ectodomain with and appears to be an alternative splice variant of the previously described protein PRR-1 (poliovirus receptor-related protein) [26].
  • Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of PVR orthologs revealed that the NH(2)-terminal immunoglobulin-like domain (domain 1), which is the virus binding site in the human PVR, is highly variable among species, whereas that of PRR1 is highly conserved [27].
  • One of them, named necl-5, which does not homophilically trans-interact, but heterophilically trans-interacts with nectin-3, regulates cell migration and adhesion [28].
  • These data support the interpretation that CD155 (and related proteins) are physically associated with CD44 on monocyte cell surfaces [29].
  • Overall, our findings do not support a role of HVEB and PVR genes in the development of MS [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PVR


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