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Gene Review

SULT1E1  -  sulfotransferase family 1E, estrogen...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: EST, EST-1, Estrogen sulfotransferase, ST1E1, STE, ...
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Disease relevance of SULT1E1


Psychiatry related information on SULT1E1

  • The potential correlation between alcohol consumption and hepatic EST expression deserves further evaluation [5].
  • One EST was mapped within the critical region for Rieger syndrome type 2, and three transcripts were identified in the region for the nocturnal enuresis type 1 [6].
  • Fine mapping of 12 previously unassigned EST clones to individual YACs in the familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) region of chromosome 14q24.3 [7].
  • Eighty-nine volunteer subjects completed a test anxiety scale (TAS) and an effective study test (EST) at the beginning of the spring semester [8].
  • These EST-related resistance mechanisms could be used in investigations into the defense mechanisms of wild species, and to provide new routes to improving the germplasm of cultivated rice [9].

High impact information on SULT1E1

  • During the last five years, the development of bioinformatics and EST databases has been primarily responsible for the identification of many new chemokines and chemokine receptors [10].
  • The protein is predicted to consist of 12 transmembrane domains and is 55% identical to a human EST of unknown function isolated from melanocytes and melanoma cells [11].
  • More than 1.6 million human EST sequences have been deposited in public databases, making it difficult to identify ESTs that represent new genes [12].
  • Using highly refined and tested algorithms for EST analysis, we have arrived at two independent estimates indicating the human genome contains approximately 120,000 genes [13].
  • This is exemplified by the in silico cloning (prediction of a gene product sequence using only genomic and EST sequence data) of a new type of GTPase with two catalytic domains [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of SULT1E1


Biological context of SULT1E1


Anatomical context of SULT1E1


Associations of SULT1E1 with chemical compounds

  • T1AM, the most active thyronamine pharmacologically, was associated with the greatest SULT activity of the thyronamines tested in the liver pool and in both the expressed SULT1A3 and SULT1E1 preparations [26].
  • Moreover, when estrone (which selectively inhibits expressed SULT1E1 and SULT1A3) was included in intestinal incubations, the high-affinity component of the Eadie-Hofstee plot for EE sulfation was inhibited, converting the plot from biphasic to monophasic [27].
  • SULT1E1, a member of the phenol sulfotransferase family, used 3,3'-T(2) and rT(3) more readily than T(3), and also displayed the greatest specificity for T(4) among human SULTs [28].
  • Liver pool (n=5) SULT activities measured with tibolone substrates reflected COS-1 expressed SULT2A1 and SULT1E1 activities [29].
  • SULT1E1 was the only isoform exhibiting detectable levels of raloxifene disulfation activity [19].

Physical interactions of SULT1E1


Enzymatic interactions of SULT1E1


Regulatory relationships of SULT1E1


Other interactions of SULT1E1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SULT1E1


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