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Gene Review

POL30  -  proliferating cell nuclear antigen

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: PCNA, Proliferating cell nuclear antigen, YBR0811, YBR088C
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Disease relevance of POL30

  • Loading of yeast PCNA (POL30) is mechanistically distinct from analogous processes in E. coli (beta subunit by the gamma complex) and bacteriophage T4 (gp45 by gp44/62) [1].
  • Therefore, at least two subunits in RFC make strong contacts with PCNA, unlike the Escherichia coli gamma complex in which only one subunit makes strong contact with the beta clamp [2].
  • It also interacts with several host proteins, including the cell cycle regulator, retinoblastoma, and essential components of the cell DNA replication machinery, like proliferating nuclear cell antigen (PCNA) and RFC-1 [3].
  • The biochemical role of PCNA in rolling circle replication (RCR) of geminivirus DNA has not been explored in detail [4].

High impact information on POL30

  • To clarify the molecular basis of FEN-1 specificity and PCNA activation, we report here structures of FEN-1:DNA and PCNA:FEN-1-peptide complexes, along with fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and mutational results [5].
  • Structural basis for FEN-1 substrate specificity and PCNA-mediated activation in DNA replication and repair [5].
  • The DNA and protein conformational changes, composite complex structures, FRET, and mutational results support enzyme-PCNA alignments and a kinked DNA pivot point that appear suitable to coordinate rotary handoffs of kinked DNA intermediates among enzymes localized by the three PCNA binding sites [5].
  • An msh6 mutation that eliminated the PCNA-binding site caused a mutator phenotype and a defect in the interaction with PCNA [6].
  • Our results suggest that PCNA functions directly in mispair recognition and that mispair recognition requires a higher-order complex containing proteins in addition to Msh2p-Msh6p [6].

Biological context of POL30

  • Here, we identify a point mutation, pol30-104, in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae POL30 gene encoding PCNA that increases the rate of instability of simple repetitive DNA sequences and raises the rate of spontaneous forward mutation [7].
  • Unlike other REV genes, which encode DNA polymerases and an associated subunit, REV6 has been found to be identical to POL30, which encodes proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), the subunit of the homotrimeric sliding clamp, in which the rev6-1 mutation produces a G178S substitution [8].
  • When bound to DNA, PCNA organizes various proteins involved in DNA replication, DNA repair, DNA modification, and chromatin modeling [1].
  • Our genetic studies with the pol30-119 mutation show that in addition to conferring a defect in Polzeta-dependent UV mutagenesis and in Poleta-dependent TLS, this PCNA mutation inhibits postreplicational repair of discontinuities that form in the newly synthesized strand across from UV lesions [9].
  • Interestingly, the Rad.RFC DNA damage checkpoint clamp loader unloads PCNA clamps from DNA [10].

Anatomical context of POL30


Associations of POL30 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of POL30


Enzymatic interactions of POL30


Regulatory relationships of POL30

  • Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (pol30) mutations suppress cdc44 mutations and identify potential regions of interaction between the two encoded proteins [23].
  • In addition, we provide evidence for the activation of the RAD52 recombinational pathway in the pol30-119 mutant and we infer that SUMO conjugation at the lysine 164 residue of PCNA has a role in suppressing the Rad52-dependent postreplicational repair pathway [9].
  • In vivo, Asf1p and Hir proteins physically interact and together promote heterochromatic gene silencing in a manner requiring PCNA [24].
  • Importantly, PCNA stimulates the 3'-->5' exonuclease and 3'-phosphodiesterase activities of Apn2 [25].
  • Pol5p was identified and purified from yeast cell extracts and is an aphidicolin-sensitive DNA polymerase that is stimulated by yeast proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) [26].

Other interactions of POL30

  • Overexpression of POL30, which encodes the proliferating cell nuclear antigen, suppressed the replication defect of the rfc5 mutant but not its checkpoint defect [27].
  • The PCNA-RFC families of DNA clamps and clamp loaders [1].
  • The in vivo role of the PCNA interaction was investigated in the yeast Rad27 [16].
  • We suggest that newly synthesized DNA possessing discontinuities is restored to full size by a "copy choice" type of DNA synthesis which requires Rad5, a DNA-dependent ATPase, and also PCNA and Poldelta [28].
  • The RAD52 recombinational repair pathway is essential in pol30 (PCNA) mutants that accumulate small single-stranded DNA fragments during DNA synthesis [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of POL30


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