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Gene Review

PCK1  -  phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase PCK1

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: JPM2, PEPC, PPC1, YKR097W
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Disease relevance of PCK1


High impact information on PCK1

  • PCK1 encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is transcriptionally regulated by two upstream activating elements [3].
  • To study the phenotype of C. albicans diploid cells depleted of CaCse4p, we deleted one copy of CaCSE4 and brought the other copy under control of a regulated PCK1 promoter (repressed by glucose and induced by succinate) [4].
  • The occurrence of Cat8pIII was strongly correlated with the derepression of gluconeogenic enzymes (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase) and gluconeogenic PCK1 mRNA [5].
  • This phenotypic defect is similar to that associated with deletion of the BCK1 gene, which is thought to function in the pathway mediated by PCK1 [6].
  • The data show that yeast cells can detect very low glucose concentrations in the environment, and suggest that several distinct signalling pathways operate to repress FPB1 and PCK1 transcription in the presence of glucose [7].

Biological context of PCK1


Associations of PCK1 with chemical compounds

  • Similarly, of 6144 ORFs, 72 (1.17%) showed greater than a 1.4-fold decrease in transcript level and only one of these, PCK1, was decreased greater than two-fold Functional categories of genes that were induced by sorbic acid stress included cell stress (particularly oxidative stress), transposon function, mating response and energy generation [12].
  • Other transcripts that showed a significant transcriptional response to elevated CO(2) included NCE103 (probably encoding carbonic anhydrase), PCK1 (encoding PEP carboxykinase) and members of the IMD gene family (encoding isozymes of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase) [13].
  • Lack of lactate-proton symport activity in pck1 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae [14].
  • This up/down-regulation of PEPC is catalyzed by a dedicated and highly regulated serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) kinase (PEPC-kinase) and an opposing type-2A Ser/Thr phosphatase (PP2A) [15].
  • This report represents one of the few studies of a heteromeric PP2A holoenzyme from photosynthetic tissue that dephosphorylates a known target enzyme in plants, such as PEPC, sucrose-phosphate synthase or nitrate reductase [15].

Physical interactions of PCK1

  • Consistent with this, synthetic genetic interactions were observed between the genes encoding the Cdc34/SCF complex and key components of the Pck1-Slt2 MAPK pathway [16].

Other interactions of PCK1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PCK1


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