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Chemical Compound Review

sorbic acid     (2E,4E)-hexa-2,4-dienoic acid

Synonyms: Panosorb, Sorbistat, Preservastat, Sorbinsaeure, trans,trans-SA, ...
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Disease relevance of POTASSIUM SORBATE


Psychiatry related information on POTASSIUM SORBATE

  • The results showed that treatment with potassium sorbate did not affect the organoleptic properties of the cheeses, except that a slight objectionable bitter flavour was observed in fresh cheeses treated with sorbate using the techniques of dipping or in brine salting then it was disappeared during storage [6].

High impact information on POTASSIUM SORBATE


Chemical compound and disease context of POTASSIUM SORBATE

  • Effect of processing variables on the outgrowth of Clostridium sporogenes PA 3679 spores in comminuted meat cured with sorbic acid and sodium nitrite [12].
  • On the basis of the finding that sorbic acid (SA)-induced hepatoma was correlated with the depletion of reduced glutathione (GSH) in mouse liver (Tsuchiya et al., Mutation Res 130: 267-262, 1984), the possible conversion of SA to a metabolite which is reactive with SH-compounds was studied [13].
  • All four possible stereoisomers of lactone II isolated from Streptomyces sp. Go 40/10, an autoregulator, have been efficiently synthesized in a stereoselective manner starting from (S)-malic acid and sorbic acid, and the absolute configuration was determined to be 2S, 3S, 9R, 10S [14].
  • The effects of potassium sorbate, sodium hypophosphite, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium nitrite, and linoleic acid on the germination and outgrowth of Clostridium botulinum type E spores were studied in microcultures [15].
  • CAL, MN, and DMSO, applied to different parts of the guinea pig body, produced only erythema most frequently on the upper back, but BA, SA, and CA did not cause any reactions [16].

Biological context of POTASSIUM SORBATE


Anatomical context of POTASSIUM SORBATE


Associations of POTASSIUM SORBATE with other chemical compounds



  • Deletion of BTN1, BTN2, or HSP30 does not alter cytosolic pH but diminishes pH buffering capacity and causes poor growth at low pH in a medium containing sorbic acid, a condition known to result in disturbed intracellular pH homeostasis [30].
  • Sorbic acid appeared to stimulate plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity in both PMA1 and pma1-205 [31].
  • Subsequently, we demonstrated that a deletion mutant of Hsp26 was sensitive to sorbic acid [32].
  • Similarly, of 6144 ORFs, 72 (1.17%) showed greater than a 1.4-fold decrease in transcript level and only one of these, PCK1, was decreased greater than two-fold Functional categories of genes that were induced by sorbic acid stress included cell stress (particularly oxidative stress), transposon function, mating response and energy generation [32].
  • However, a glycolytic mutant, with about one-third the normal pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase activity and hence a reduced capacity to generate ATP, was more sensitive to sorbic acid than its isogenic parent [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of POTASSIUM SORBATE

  • The HPLC determination of the preservatives was performed using a reversed-phase C18 column and UV detection at 225 nm for sodium benzoate and 255 nm potassium sorbate [33].
  • Determination of sorbic acid in margarine and butter by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection [34].
  • The inoculum effect was not caused by yeasts metabolizing or adsorbing sorbic acid, thereby lowering the effective concentration; was not due to absence of cell-cell signals in dilute cell suspensions; and was not an artefact, generated by insufficient time for small inocula to grow [35].
  • RESULTS: Topical application of 1% sorbic acid to the forearms of four human volunteers resulted in 250- to 620-fold increases in levels of PGD2 and 15- to 58-fold increases in levels of the metabolite of PGD2, 9 alpha,11 beta-PGF2, in blood drawn from the antecubital vein draining the treated sites [19].
  • Sorbic acid as well as the complexes exhibited minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) lower than potassium sorbate against all the strains tested [36].


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