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Gene Review

uidA  -  beta-D-glucuronidase

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK1612, JW1609, gurA, gusA
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Disease relevance of uidA


High impact information on uidA

  • Tn5-gusA promoter/probe transposons have been constructed that fuse the Escherichia coli gusA reporter gene transcriptionally or translationally with a target promoter [6].
  • The uidA gene has been cloned from E. coli K-12 and its entire nucleotide sequence has been determined. beta-Glucuronidase has been purified to homogeneity and characterized [1].
  • When placed downstream of the start codon, multimers of the dinucleotide CA stimulated translation from lacZ, gusA and neo mRNAs in the presence or absence of an untranslated leader sequence [7].
  • The G-G insertion that produced the characteristic GUD-negative phenotype to O157:H7 strains appeared later than the other gusA mutations in the evolutionary emergence of O157:H7 [8].
  • Comparison of gusA sequences from the GUD-negative 35150 strain to that of 493-89 revealed several base mutations, including a guanosine (G) dinucleotide insertion that caused a frameshift in the 35150 gusA gene and introduced a predicted premature termination codon [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of uidA


Biological context of uidA


Associations of uidA with chemical compounds


Other interactions of uidA

  • To investigate the transcriptional regulation of the napin promoter, different constructs of the napin gene napA promoter were fused to the Escherichia coli uidA gene and transformed into B. napus [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of uidA

  • We developed a novel triplex PCR method for detection of E. coli in which cyd gene coding for cytochrome bd complex was co-amplified along with lacZ and uidA genes [23].
  • To measure the effects of the deletions on the expression of cpe, translational fusions containing the promoter deletions were made with the gusA gene of Escherichia coli, which codes for beta-glucuronidase; E. coli-C. perfringens shuttle vectors carrying the fusions were introduced into C. perfringens by electroporation [24].


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