MeSH Review:
Bacterial Translocation
- Bacterial translocation in the portal-hypertensive rat: studies in basal conditions and on exposure to hemorrhagic shock. Sorell, W.T., Quigley, E.M., Jin, G., Johnson, T.J., Rikkers, L.F. Gastroenterology (1993)
- Interferon gamma induces translocation of commensal Escherichia coli across gut epithelial cells via a lipid raft-mediated process. Clark, E., Hoare, C., Tanianis-Hughes, J., Carlson, G.L., Warhurst, G. Gastroenterology (2005)
- Selective intestinal decontamination with norfloxacin reduces bacterial translocation in ascitic cirrhotic rats exposed to hemorrhagic shock. Llovet, J.M., Bartolí, R., Planas, R., Viñado, B., Pérez, J., Cabré, E., Arnal, J., Ojanguren, I., Ausina, V., Gassull, M.A. Hepatology (1996)
- Effect of propranolol on the factors promoting bacterial translocation in cirrhotic rats with ascites. Pérez-Paramo, M., Muñoz, J., Albillos, A., Freile, I., Portero, F., Santos, M., Ortiz-Berrocal, J. Hepatology (2000)
- Enteral administration of high-fat nutrition before and directly after hemorrhagic shock reduces endotoxemia and bacterial translocation. Luyer, M.D., Jacobs, J.A., Vreugdenhil, A.C., Hadfoune, M., Dejong, C.H., Buurman, W.A., Greve, J.W. Ann. Surg. (2004)
- Group A Streptococcus tissue invasion by CD44-mediated cell signalling. Cywes, C., Wessels, M.R. Nature (2001)
- Role of the high affinity immunoglobulin E receptor in bacterial translocation and intestinal inflammation. Dombrowicz, D., Nutten, S., Desreumaux, P., Neut, C., Torpier, G., Peeters, M., Colombel, J.F., Capron, M. J. Exp. Med. (2001)
- Bacterial translocation in cirrhotic rats stimulates eNOS-derived NO production and impairs mesenteric vascular contractility. Wiest, R., Das, S., Cadelina, G., Garcia-Tsao, G., Milstien, S., Groszmann, R.J. J. Clin. Invest. (1999)
- Inhibition of endotoxin-induced bacterial translocation in mice. Deitch, E.A., Ma, L., Ma, W.J., Grisham, M.B., Granger, D.N., Specian, R.D., Berg, R.D. J. Clin. Invest. (1989)
- Arginine-supplemented diets improve survival in gut-derived sepsis and peritonitis by modulating bacterial clearance. The role of nitric oxide. Gianotti, L., Alexander, J.W., Pyles, T., Fukushima, R. Ann. Surg. (1993)
- A prospective randomised study of the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum 299V on indices of gut barrier function in elective surgical patients. McNaught, C.E., Woodcock, N.P., MacFie, J., Mitchell, C.J. Gut (2002)
- Elemental diet and IV-TPN-induced bacterial translocation is associated with loss of intestinal mucosal barrier function against bacteria. Deitch, E.A., Xu, D., Naruhn, M.B., Deitch, D.C., Lu, Q., Marino, A.A. Ann. Surg. (1995)
- Angiotensin II inhibitor DuP753 attenuates burn- and endotoxin-induced gut ischemia, lipid peroxidation, mucosal permeability, and bacterial translocation. Tadros, T., Traber, D.L., Heggers, J.P., Herndon, D.N. Ann. Surg. (2000)
- Pathogenesis and prevention of early pancreatic infection in experimental acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Foitzik, T., Fernández-del Castillo, C., Ferraro, M.J., Mithöfer, K., Rattner, D.W., Warshaw, A.L. Ann. Surg. (1995)
- Comparative effects of dietary nucleoside-nucleotide mixture and its components on endotoxin induced bacterial translocation and small intestinal injury in protein deficient mice. Adjei, A.A., Yamauchi, K., Chan, Y.C., Konishi, M., Yamamoto, S. Gut (1996)
- Apoptosis inhibition during preservation by fructose-1,6-diphosphate and theophylline in rat intestinal transplantation. Genescà, M., Sola, A., Azuara, D., De Oca, J., Hotter, G. Crit. Care Med. (2005)
- Attenuation of sepsis-related immunoparalysis by continuous veno-venous hemofiltration in experimental porcine pancreatitis. Yekebas, E.F., Eisenberger, C.F., Ohnesorge, H., Saalmüller, A., Elsner, H.A., Engelhardt, M., Gillesen, A., Meins, J., The, M., Strate, T., Busch, C., Knoefel, W.T., Bloechle, C., Izbicki, J.R. Crit. Care Med. (2001)
- Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome: end organ and systemic inflammatory response in a mouse model of nonseptic origin. Shayevitz, J.R., Miller, C., Johnson, K.J., Rodriguez, J.L. Shock (1995)
- Vitamin A deficiency leads to severe functional disturbance of the intestinal epithelium enzymes associated with diarrhoea and increased bacterial translocation in gnotobiotic rats. Kozakova, H., Hanson, L.A., Stepankova, R., Kahu, H., Dahlgren, U.I., Wiedermann, U. Microbes Infect. (2003)
- Developmental regulation of cryptdin, a corticostatin/defensin precursor mRNA in mouse small intestinal crypt epithelium. Ouellette, A.J., Greco, R.M., James, M., Frederick, D., Naftilan, J., Fallon, J.T. J. Cell Biol. (1989)
- Macrophage elimination increases bacterial translocation and gut-origin septicemia but attenuates symptoms and mortality rate in a model of systemic inflammation. Nieuwenhuijzen, G.A., Haskel, Y., Lu, Q., Berg, R.D., van Rooijen, N., Goris, R.J., Deitch, E.A. Ann. Surg. (1993)
- Allopurinol and glutamine attenuate bacterial translocation in chronic portal hypertensive and common bile duct ligated growing rats. Schimpl, G., Pesendorfer, P., Steinwender, G., Feierl, G., Ratschek, M., Höllwarth, M.E. Gut (1996)
- Glutamine deprivation facilitates tumour necrosis factor induced bacterial translocation in Caco-2 cells by depletion of enterocyte fuel substrate. Clark, E.C., Patel, S.D., Chadwick, P.R., Warhurst, G., Curry, A., Carlson, G.L. Gut (2003)
- Administration of protegrin peptide IB-367 to prevent endotoxin induced mortality in bile duct ligated rats. Giacometti, A., Cirioni, O., Ghiselli, R., Mocchegiani, F., D'Amato, G., Del Prete, M.S., Orlando, F., Kamysz, W., Lukasiak, J., Saba, V., Scalise, G. Gut (2003)
- Norfloxacin reduces aortic NO synthases and proinflammatory cytokine up-regulation in cirrhotic rats: role of Akt signaling. Tazi, K.A., Moreau, R., Hervé, P., Dauvergne, A., Cazals-Hatem, D., Bert, F., Poirel, O., Rabiller, A., Lebrec, D. Gastroenterology (2005)
- Inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase ameliorates endotoxin-induced gut mucosal barrier dysfunction in rats. Unno, N., Wang, H., Menconi, M.J., Tytgat, S.H., Larkin, V., Smith, M., Morin, M.J., Chavez, A., Hodin, R.A., Fink, M.P. Gastroenterology (1997)
- Nitric oxide-derived urinary nitrate as a marker of intestinal bacterial translocation in rats. Oudenhoven, I.M., Klaasen, H.L., Lapré, J.A., Weerkamp, A.H., Van der Meer, R. Gastroenterology (1994)
- Translocation of indigenous bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract of mice after oral ricinoleic acid treatment. Morehouse, J.L., Specian, R.D., Stewart, J.J., Berg, R.D. Gastroenterology (1986)
- Regurgitation of bile acids from leaky bile ducts causes sclerosing cholangitis in Mdr2 (Abcb4) knockout mice. Fickert, P., Fuchsbichler, A., Wagner, M., Zollner, G., Kaser, A., Tilg, H., Krause, R., Lammert, F., Langner, C., Zatloukal, K., Marschall, H.U., Denk, H., Trauner, M. Gastroenterology (2004)
- Prevention of gram-negative translocation reduces the severity of hepatopulmonary syndrome. Rabiller, A., Nunes, H., Lebrec, D., Tazi, K.A., Wartski, M., Dulmet, E., Libert, J.M., Mougeot, C., Moreau, R., Mazmanian, M., Humbert, M., Hervé, P. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (2002)
- beta-Arrestin 1 participates in platelet-activating factor receptor-mediated endocytosis of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Radin, J.N., Orihuela, C.J., Murti, G., Guglielmo, C., Murray, P.J., Tuomanen, E.I. Infect. Immun. (2005)
- Elevated soluble CD14 receptors and altered cytokines in chronic heart failure. Anker, S.D., Egerer, K.R., Volk, H.D., Kox, W.J., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Coats, A.J. Am. J. Cardiol. (1997)
- Glucagon-like peptide 2 function in domestic animals. Burrin, D.G., Stoll, B., Guan, X. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. (2003)
- Effect of total parenteral nutrition plus morphine on bacterial translocation in rats. Kueppers, P.M., Miller, T.A., Chen, C.Y., Smith, G.S., Rodriguez, L.F., Moody, F.G. Ann. Surg. (1993)
- Inhibition of nitric oxide production and the effects of arginine and Lactobacillus administration in an acute liver injury model. Adawi, D., Molin, G., Jeppsson, B. Ann. Surg. (1998)
- Administration of nitric oxide with caspase inhibitors minimizes bacterial translocation in experimental intestinal transplantation. Azuara, D., Sola, A., Hotter, G., Calatayud, L., Jaurrieta, E., de Oca, J. Transplantation (2004)
- Improvement of structure and function in orthotopic small bowel transplantation in the rat by glutamine. Zhang, W., Frankel, W.L., Singh, A., Laitin, E., Klurfeld, D., Rombeau, J.L. Transplantation (1993)
- Protective effects of exogenous fructose-1,6-biphosphate during small bowel transplantation in rats. Sola, A., De Oca, J., Alfaro, V., Xaus, C., Jaurrieta, E., Hotter, G. Surgery (2004)