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Disease relevance of Flavivirus


High impact information on Flavivirus

  • The positions of these sites have demonstrated that E2 forms the protruding spikes and that E1 must be long and narrow, lying flat on the viral surface, forming an icosahedral scaffold analogous to the arrangement of the E glycoprotein in flaviviruses [6].
  • Evidence is presented that M phi complement receptors (CR3) mediate IgM-dependent enhancement of flavivirus replication in the presence of complement [7].
  • An RNA cap (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase in the flavivirus RNA polymerase NS5: crystal structure and functional characterization [8].
  • Flavivirus premembrane protein cleavage and spike heterodimer secretion require the function of the viral proteinase NS3 [9].
  • These detailed atomic interactions provide the first structural insights into the inhibition of a viral enzyme by ribavirin 5'-triphosphate, as well as the basis for rational drug design of antiviral agents with improved specificity against the emerging flaviviruses [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Flavivirus

  • The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase NS5 of flaviviruses presents a characteristic motif of S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases at its N-terminus, and polymerase motifs at its C-terminus [8].
  • We have undertaken a mutational analysis of the region of NS3 which contains the catalytic serine, five putative substrate binding residues, and several residues that are highly conserved among flavivirus proteases and among all serine proteases [11].
  • The ts lesion of ts25 was shown to be due to a single alanine substitution for Arg-299, a residue which is conserved among flaviviruses [12].
  • The data presented thus suggest the existence of structurally related interactions of the flavivirus and alphavirus fusion proteins with cholesterol in the molecular processes required for fusion but, at the same time, point to significant differences between the class II fusion machineries of these viruses [13].
  • Characterization of the purified HCV NTPase activity showed that it exhibited reaction condition optima with respect to pH, MgCl2, and salt identical to those of the representative pestivirus and flavivirus enzymes [14].

Biological context of Flavivirus


Anatomical context of Flavivirus


Gene context of Flavivirus


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Flavivirus

  • A new vaccination principle against flaviviruses, based on a tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) self-replicating noninfectious RNA vaccine that produces subviral particles, has recently been introduced (R. M. Kofler, J. H. Aberle, S. W. Aberle, S. L. Allison, F. X. Heinz, and C. W. Mandl, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 7:1951-1956, 2004) [30].
  • The flavivirus nonstructural glycoprotein NS1 is highly conserved and contains two N-linked glycosylation sites which are both utilized for addition of oligosaccharides during replication in cell culture [31].
  • The Focus Technologies IgM ELISA had a sensitivity and a specificity of 99.3% (excluding the non-WNV flavivirus sera) [32].
  • Gene mapping and positive identification of the non-structural proteins NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4B and NS5 of the flavivirus Kunjin and their cleavage sites [33].
  • The reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) successfully amplified flavivirus sequences from cell cultures, frozen brain tissue, and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain tissue [34].


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