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Disease relevance of ORCIPRENALINE


Psychiatry related information on ORCIPRENALINE


High impact information on ORCIPRENALINE


Chemical compound and disease context of ORCIPRENALINE


Biological context of ORCIPRENALINE

  • METHODS: In a prospective, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial at a municipal hospital emergency department, 44 patients with acute asthma, aged 18 to 45 years, with theophylline levels below 28 mumol/L, who had failed to achieve a PEFR of 40% predicted after one nebulized metaproterenol treatment, were recruited [15].
  • On a 3 test days, 1, 43, and 85, mean peak responses for FEV1 and forced vital capacity and mean area under the curve were significantly higher for the iprathropium bromide-metaproterenol combination than for metaproterenol only [16].
  • Pulse rate increases occurring after metaproterenol were not considered clinically important [17].
  • Symptoms of wheezing, coughing, exercise intolerance, and interference with sleep were more frequently associated with the oral metaproterenol regimen; completely asymptomatic days occurred 50% more frequently in association with theophylline therapy (P less than 0.01) [18].
  • In the current study in humans, we examined the in vitro impact of a beta-adrenergic agonist, metaproterenol (MP), on NK activity, comparing blood drawn from (a) women tested at 3-4 different phases of their menstrual cycle (n = 10), (b) women using oral contraceptives (OC) (n = 10), and (c) men (n = 7) [19].

Anatomical context of ORCIPRENALINE


Associations of ORCIPRENALINE with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ORCIPRENALINE

  • The stimulatory effects of IGF-II were potentiated by UK-14304 (5-bromo-6-[2-imidazolin-2-ylamino]-quinoxaline) (10(-5) M) and inhibited by phenylephrine, PMA, metaproterenol, 8-bromo-cAMP, PD98059, rapamycin, and pertussis toxin [30].
  • To determine the effect of chronic catecholamine infusion in vivo, we measured apoptosis marker expression in C57Bl/6 and catecholamine-sensitive Egr-1 deficient mice after treatment with the nonspecific beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, the beta1-specific agonist, dobutamine, or the beta2-specific agonist, metaproterenol [31].
  • The typical effects of organ relaxation, inhibition of contraction height and reduction of resting tension generated by histamine, could both be antagonized by the histamine H2-receptor blockers metiamide and cimetidine, while both compounds failed to reverse orciprenaline- or isoproterenol-induced inhibition of uterine contractility [32].
  • These results suggest that the combination of iprathropium bromide and metaproterenol inhalation solutions offers a potential therapeutic advantage to patients with symptomatic COPD over nebulized metaproterenol alone without the risk of increased side effects [16].
  • The effects of deep inspiration upon expiratory flow rates and response to inhaled metaproterenol were studied in normal and asthmatic subjects using partial (PEFV) and maximal (MEFV) expiratory flow volume curves [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ORCIPRENALINE


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