MeSH Review:
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- Latent myotonic dystrophy: the cause of hydramnios and an increase in serum creatine kinase concentration. Harioka, T., Sone, T., Kakuyama, M. Anesthesiology (1990)
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- D-bifunctional protein deficiency with fetal ascites, polyhydramnios, and contractures of hands and toes. Nakano, K., Zhang, Z., Shimozawa, N., Kondo, N., Ishii, N., Funatsuka, M., Shirakawa, S., Itoh, M., Takashima, S., Une, M., Kana-aki, R.R., Mukai, K., Osawa, M., Suzuki, Y. J. Pediatr. (2001)
- Fumarase deficiency: two siblings with enlarged cerebral ventricles and polyhydramnios in utero. Remes, A.M., Rantala, H., Hiltunen, J.K., Leisti, J., Ruokonen, A. Pediatrics (1992)
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- A novel model of polyhydramnios: amniotic fluid volume is increased in aquaporin 1 knockout mice. Mann, S.E., Ricke, E.A., Torres, E.A., Taylor, R.N. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (2005)
- Treatment of polyhydramnios with prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor (indomethacin). Cabrol, D., Landesman, R., Muller, J., Uzan, M., Sureau, C., Saxena, B.B. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (1987)
- Maternal lithium therapy and polyhydramnios. Ang, M.S., Thorp, J.A., Parisi, V.M. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1990)
- Animal model for polyhydramnios. Anderson, D.F., Faber, J.J. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (1989)
- Elevated fetal plasma lactate produces polyhydramnios in the sheep. Powell, T.L., Brace, R.A. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (1991)
- Doppler assessment of the renal blood flow velocity waveform during indomethacin therapy for preterm labor and polyhydramnios. Mari, G., Moise, K.J., Deter, R.L., Kirshon, B., Carpenter, R.J. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1990)
- The ultrasound triad of fetal hydramnios, abnormal hand posturing, and any other anomaly predicts autosomal trisomy. Carlson, D.E., Platt, L.D., Medearis, A.L. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1992)
- Prenatal diagnosis of Pena-Shokeir syndrome type 1. MacMillan, R.H., Harbert, G.M., Davis, W.D., Kelly, T.E. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1985)
- Uterine artery Doppler velocimetry in patients with idiopathic hydramnios. Hershkovitz, R., Sheiner, E., Furman, B., Smolin, A., Hallak, M., Mazor, M. Fetal. Diagn. Ther. (2002)
- Amniotic fluid volume responses to intra-amniotic infusion of lactate in fetal sheep. Scheve, E.J., Brace, R.A. J. Soc. Gynecol. Investig. (2000)
- Pathophysiology of polyhydramnios in twin transfusion syndrome. Wieacker, P., Wilhelm, C., Prömpeler, H., Petersen, K.G., Schillinger, H., Breckwoldt, M. Fetal. Diagn. Ther. (1992)
- In utero congestive heart failure due to maternal indomethacin treatment for polyhydramnios and premature labour in a fetus with antenatal closure of the foramen ovale. Achiron, R., Lipitz, S., Kidron, D., Berant, M., Hegesh, J., Rotstein, Z. Prenat. Diagn. (1996)
- Prenatal diagnosis and genetic analysis of double trisomy 48,XXX,+18. Chen, C.P., Chern, S.R., Yeh, L.F., Chen, W.L., Chen, L.F., Wang, W. Prenat. Diagn. (2000)
- Amniotic fluid hormone profiles during normal and abnormal pregnancy. Sarandakou, A., Kassanos, D., Phocas, I., Kontoravdis, A., Chryssicopoulos, A., Zourlas, P.A. Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology. (1992)
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- Brain natriuretic peptide and endothelin-1 in the pathogenesis of polyhydramnios-oligohydramnios in monochorionic twins. Bajoria, R., Ward, S., Chatterjee, R. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (2003)
- Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide in fetuses with cardiac disease. Bartha, J.L., Penney, M.D., Soothill, P.W. Fetal. Diagn. Ther. (2005)
- Large-volume therapeutic amniocentesis in the treatment of hydramnios. Elliott, J.P., Sawyer, A.T., Radin, T.G., Strong, R.E. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1994)
- TRAP sequence--successful outcome with indomethacin treatment. Ash, K., Harman, C.R., Gritter, H. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1990)
- Transplacental, amniotic, urinary, and fetal fluid dynamics during very-large-volume fetal intravenous infusions. Brace, R.A., Moore, T.R. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (1991)
- Uterine blood flow velocity waveforms in pregnant women during indomethacin therapy. Mari, G., Kirshon, B., Wasserstrum, N., Moise, K.J., Deter, R.L. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1990)
- Aorto-pulmonary calcification: an unusual manifestation of idiopathic calcification of infancy evident antenatally. Samon, L.M., Ash, K.M., Murdison, K.A. Obstetrics and gynecology. (1995)