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Chemical Compound Review

Vanadium-49     vanadium

Synonyms: AC1L42QW, 14392-01-9, 49V, Vanadium, isotope of mass 49
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Disease relevance of vanadium


Psychiatry related information on vanadium


High impact information on vanadium


Chemical compound and disease context of vanadium


Biological context of vanadium


Anatomical context of vanadium

  • Lithium carbonate treatment did not alter the ATPase activities, and the quantity of vanadium present in the membranes could not account for the variations in the enzyme activities observed [25].
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of living tunicate blood cells and the structure of the native vanadium chromogen [26].
  • Taxol, which stabilizes cytoplasmic microtubules, prevented the stimulation of DNA synthesis by vanadium [27].
  • This effect was approximately 9-fold higher (140 +/- 15% of maximal insulin response) in adipocytes derived from rats that had been treated with vanadium for several days [28].
  • Using ratiometric Ca2+ imaging and patch-clamp measurement of Ca2+ channel activity, we investigated Ca2+ signaling induced by vanadium compounds in Jurkat T lymphocytes and rat basophilic leukemia cells [29].

Associations of vanadium with other chemical compounds

  • Although their activity is often inferior to that of other systems, the use of vanadium-based catalysts in homogeneous Ziegler-Natta polymerizations allows the preparation of high-molecular-weight polymers with narrow molecular-weight distributions, ethene/alpha-olefin copolymers with high alpha-olefin incorporation, and syndiotactic polypropene [30].
  • These studies confirm that the inhibitory form of vanadium usually observed in in vitro experiments is vanadate, in one or more of its hydrated forms [31].
  • Highly purified peroxovanadium (pV) compounds, each containing an oxo ligand, one or two peroxo anions, and an ancillary ligand in the inner coordination sphere of vanadium, were shown to decrease plasma glucose markedly in both normal Sprague-Dawley and insulin-deprived diabetic BB rats [32].
  • The in vitro metal uptake is nonspecific, and manganese, iron, and vanadium all bind, but only manganese restores catalytic activity [33].
  • The steady state kinetic mechanism of the bromide-assisted disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide, forming dioxygen, catalyzed by vanadium bromoperoxidase has been investigated and compared to the mechanism of monochlorodimedone (MCD) bromination under conditions of 0.0125-6 mM H2O2, 1-500 mM Br-, and pH 4.55-6.52 [34].

Gene context of vanadium

  • In this study, the lung fibrotic responses were investigated in COX-1 or COX-2-deficient (-/-) mice following vanadium pentoxide (V(2)O(5)) exposure [35].
  • The present studies investigated the signaling pathways of vanadate, a vanadium ion with +5 oxidation state, to activate NF-kappaB transcription factor, a pivotal regulator of inflammatory responses [36].
  • Mechanism of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-1 and ERK-2 activation by vanadium pentoxide in rat pulmonary myofibroblasts [37].
  • Immunohistochemical analysis in vivo indicated a decrease in cell proliferation (24.68% p < 0.05) and an increase among the TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells along with strong expressions of p53 and Bax, and downregulation of Bcl2 proteins in the mammary tissue of vanadium-treated animals [38].
  • Importantly, overexpression of a dominant negative mutant PKClambda blocked Akt phosphorylation at Ser473 and Thr308, whereas it did not inhibit p70S6k phosphorylation at Thr389 and Thr421/Ser424, suggesting that aPKC activation is specifically involved in vanadium-induced activation of Akt, but not in activation of p70S6k [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of vanadium


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