MeSH Review:
- A pathogen-inducible divinyl ether synthase (CYP74D) from elicitor-treated potato suspension cells. Stumpe, M., Kandzia, R., Göbel, C., Rosahl, S., Feussner, I. FEBS Lett. (2001)
- Zwittermicin A-producing strains of Bacillus cereus from diverse soils. Stabb, E.V., Jacobson, L.M., Handelsman, J. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1994)
- Activity of some aminoglycoside antibiotics against true fungi, Phytophthora and Pythium species. Lee, H.B., Kim, Y., Kim, J.C., Choi, G.J., Park, S.H., Kim, C.J., Jung, H.S. J. Appl. Microbiol. (2005)
- Increasing resistance against Phytophthora citrophthora in tangelo Nova fruits by modulating polymethoxyflavones levels. Ortuño, A., Arcas, M.C., Botía, J.M., Fuster, M.D., Del Río, J.A. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2002)
- Differential induction and suppression of potato 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase genes in response to Phytophthora infestans and to its elicitor arachidonic acid. Choi, D., Ward, B.L., Bostock, R.M. Plant Cell (1992)
- Lipid-derived signals that discriminate wound- and pathogen-responsive isoprenoid pathways in plants: methyl jasmonate and the fungal elicitor arachidonic acid induce different 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase genes and antimicrobial isoprenoids in Solanum tuberosum L. Choi, D., Bostock, R.M., Avdiushko, S., Hildebrand, D.F. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1994)
- EST mining and functional expression assays identify extracellular effector proteins from the plant pathogen Phytophthora. Torto, T.A., Li, S., Styer, A., Huitema, E., Testa, A., Gow, N.A., van West, P., Kamoun, S. Genome Res. (2003)
- A Kazal-like extracellular serine protease inhibitor from Phytophthora infestans targets the tomato pathogenesis-related protease P69B. Tian, M., Huitema, E., Da Cunha, L., Torto-Alalibo, T., Kamoun, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- Phytotoxic protein PcF, purification, characterization, and cDNA sequencing of a novel hydroxyproline-containing factor secreted by the strawberry pathogen Phytophthora cactorum. Orsomando, G., Lorenzi, M., Raffaelli, N., Dalla Rizza, M., Mezzetti, B., Ruggieri, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- Suppression of the ribosomal L2 gene reveals a novel mechanism for stress adaptation in soybean. Ludwig, A., Tenhaken, R. Planta (2001)
- Binding of isovaleraldehyde, an attractant, to zoospores of the fungus Phytophthora palmivora in relation to zoospore chemotaxis. Cameron, J.N., Carlile, M.J. J. Cell. Sci. (1981)
- RNA interference of soybean isoflavone synthase genes leads to silencing in tissues distal to the transformation site and to enhanced susceptibility to Phytophthora sojae. Subramanian, S., Graham, M.Y., Yu, O., Graham, T.L. Plant Physiol. (2005)
- Deletion of a disease resistance nucleotide-binding-site leucine-rich- repeat-like sequence is associated with the loss of the Phytophthora resistance gene Rps4 in soybean. Sandhu, D., Gao, H., Cianzio, S., Bhattacharyya, M.K. Genetics (2004)
- Genetic code and phylogenetic origin of oomycetous mitochondria. Karlovsky, P., Fartmann, B. J. Mol. Evol. (1992)
- Patterns of gene expression upon infection of soybean plants by Phytophthora sojae. Moy, P., Qutob, D., Chapman, B.P., Atkinson, I., Gijzen, M. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. (2004)
- Activation of a tobacco glycine-rich protein gene by a fungal glucan preparation. Brady, K.P., Darvill, A.G., Albersheim, P. Plant J. (1993)
- Perception and transduction of an elicitor signal in cultured parsley cells. Nürnberger, T., Colling, C., Hahlbrock, K., Jabs, T., Renelt, A., Sacks, W.R., Scheel, D. Biochem. Soc. Symp. (1994)
- Evidence from cell-free systems for differences in the sterol biosynthetic pathway of Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora cinnamomi. Wood, S.G., Gottlieb, D. Biochem. J. (1978)
- Oxylipin profiling reveals the preferential stimulation of the 9-lipoxygenase pathway in elicitor-treated potato cells. Göbel, C., Feussner, I., Schmidt, A., Scheel, D., Sanchez-Serrano, J., Hamberg, M., Rosahl, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- Differential mRNA degradation of two beta-tubulin isoforms correlates with cytosolic Ca2+ changes in glucan-elicited soybean cells. Ebel, C., Gómez, L.G., Schmit, A.C., Neuhaus-Url, G., Boller, T. Plant Physiol. (2001)
- A new elicitor of the hypersensitive response in tobacco: a fungal glycoprotein elicits cell death, expression of defence genes, production of salicylic acid, and induction of systemic acquired resistance. Baillieul, F., Genetet, I., Kopp, M., Saindrenan, P., Fritig, B., Kauffmann, S. Plant J. (1995)
- The diphenylether herbicide lactofen induces cell death and expression of defense-related genes in soybean. Graham, M.Y. Plant Physiol. (2005)
- Heterologous expression of a pleiotropic drug resistance transporter from Phytophthora sojae in yeast transporter mutants. Connolly, M.S., Sakihama, Y., Phuntumart, V., Jiang, Y., Warren, F., Mourant, L., Morris, P.F. Curr. Genet. (2005)
- tef1, a Phytophthora infestans gene encoding translation elongation factor 1alpha. van't Klooster, J.W., van den Berg-Velthuis, G., van West, P., Govers, F. Gene (2000)
- A Second Kazal-like protease inhibitor from Phytophthora infestans inhibits and interacts with the apoplastic pathogenesis-related protease P69B of tomato. Tian, M., Benedetti, B., Kamoun, S. Plant Physiol. (2005)
- Accumulation of cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase RNA under biological stress conditions and elicitor treatments in potato. Laxalt, A.M., Cassia, R.O., Sanllorenti, P.M., Madrid, E.A., Andreu, A.B., Daleo, G.R., Conde, R.D., Lamattina, L. Plant Mol. Biol. (1996)
- An endornavirus from a hypovirulent strain of the violet root rot fungus, Helicobasidium mompa. Osaki, H., Nakamura, H., Sasaki, A., Matsumoto, N., Yoshida, K. Virus Res. (2006)
- Organization, expression and evolution of a disease resistance gene cluster in soybean. Graham, M.A., Marek, L.F., Shoemaker, R.C. Genetics (2002)
- Production of glucosinolate hydrolysis products in Farsetia aegyptia suspension cultures following elicitation. Al-Gendy, A.A., Lockwood, G.B. Fitoterapia (2005)