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Electrocardiography, Ambulatory

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Disease relevance of Electrocardiography, Ambulatory


Psychiatry related information on Electrocardiography, Ambulatory


High impact information on Electrocardiography, Ambulatory

  • MEASUREMENTS: 1) 24-hour three-channel esophageal manometry and two-channel pH monitoring, 2) provocation testing with intravenous edrophonium chloride and esophageal acid perfusion, and 3) Holter electrocardiography conducted during the first two tests [6].
  • MAIN RESULTS: Eight of the 21 patients with cocaine addiction had frequent episodes of ST elevation during Holter monitoring; these episodes occurred almost exclusively during the first 2 weeks of withdrawal [2].
  • Exercise thallium tomography and 24-hour Holter monitoring were also performed [7].
  • Significance and incidence of concordance of drug efficacy predictions by Holter monitoring and electrophysiological study in the ESVEM Trial. Electrophysiologic Study Versus Electrocardiographic Monitoring [8].
  • Compared with the baseline values, the number of anginal attacks per week and the number and duration of ischemic episodes per 48 hours during Holter monitoring decreased significantly by similar magnitudes in the placebo and ranolazine groups [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Electrocardiography, Ambulatory


Biological context of Electrocardiography, Ambulatory


Anatomical context of Electrocardiography, Ambulatory


Associations of Electrocardiography, Ambulatory with chemical compounds


Gene context of Electrocardiography, Ambulatory


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Electrocardiography, Ambulatory


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