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Organ Transplantation

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Disease relevance of Organ Transplantation


Psychiatry related information on Organ Transplantation


High impact information on Organ Transplantation


Chemical compound and disease context of Organ Transplantation


Biological context of Organ Transplantation


Anatomical context of Organ Transplantation


Associations of Organ Transplantation with chemical compounds


Gene context of Organ Transplantation

  • Isolation of the ninaA gene by chromosomal walking revealed that it is expressed only in the eye and encodes a 237-amino acid polypeptide that shows strong sequence similarity to cyclophilin, a putative molecular target for cyclosporine A, a potent immunosuppressant used in human organ transplantations [32].
  • However, immunosuppressants and several other drugs used after organ transplantation are cytochrome P4503A (CYP3A, EC substrates [33].
  • These observations suggest potential therapeutic applications of IL-10 in organ transplantation, especially in association with anti-CD3 mAb [34].
  • BACKGROUND: The effects of the ischemia-reperfusion process of organ transplantation on nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) in humans are unknown [35].
  • It is generally accepted that donor myeloid dendritic cells (MDC) are the main instigators of acute rejection after organ transplantation [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Organ Transplantation


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