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Gene Review

RNASE3  -  ribonuclease, RNase A family, 3

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ECP, Eosinophil cationic protein, RNS3, RNase 3, Ribonuclease 3
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Disease relevance of RNASE3

  • Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) is located in the matrix of the eosinophil's large specific granule and has marked toxicity for a variety of helminth parasites, hemoflagellates, bacteria, single-stranded RNA virus, and mammalian cells and tissues [1].
  • By utilizing the colloidal gold particle technique, we localized eosinophil granule major basic protein, eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) in human nasal polyp sections by immunoelectron microscopy [2].
  • CONCLUSIONS: ECP contributes to surfactant dysfunction in asthma, which in turn could lead to airway obstruction [3].
  • ECP concentration in milk was under the detection limit (2 microg/L) in all the mothers with a healthy infant, whereas detectable levels were found in 27% of mothers with a CMA infant and in 42% of those with a baby with atopic dermatitis [4].
  • This is the first demonstration that some eosinophil cationic proteins, namely ECP and MBP, found at the site of heart damage in patients with eosinophilia, act as complete secretagogues on HHMC [5].

High impact information on RNASE3


Chemical compound and disease context of RNASE3


Biological context of RNASE3

  • ECP is a small, basic protein found in the matrix of the eosinophil's large specific granule that has cytotoxic, helminthotoxic, and ribonuclease activity, and is a member of the ribonuclease multigene family [8].
  • Amino acid sequence analyses showed that ECP-1 and ECP-2 are identical from residue 1 through residue 59 and that the sequences of EDN and ECP are highly homologous (37 of 55 residues identical) [14].
  • PD98 059 and SB202 190 both caused inhibition of eotaxin-induced ECP release and chemotaxis [15].
  • The ECP nucleotide sequence shows similarity to EDN, rat pancreatic ribonuclease, and human angiogenin; all are members of the ribonuclease gene superfamily [16].
  • Here we present evidence demonstrating that the gene encoding ECP is regulated in an analogous fashion and that an intronic enhancer element functioning in both genes is a consensus binding sequence for the transcription factor NFAT-1 [17].

Anatomical context of RNASE3

  • We have isolated a 725-bp full-length cDNA clone for the human eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) [8].
  • The eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) are both small, cationic ribonuclease toxins that are stored in and secreted by activated human eosinophilic leukocytes [17].
  • The high concentration of positive charges and the particular orientation of the side-chains of these residues may also be related to the low activity of ECP as a ribonuclease and provides an explanation for its unique cytotoxic role through cell membrane disruption [18].
  • We tested whether EDN and ECP are present in mature neutrophils [19].
  • ECP concentration in human milk was measured by commercial UniCAP method [4].

Associations of RNASE3 with chemical compounds

  • Both ECP and EDN possess neurotoxic and ribonuclease activities [16].
  • In addition, degranulation of ECP in response to Ca(2+) ionophore, immobilized IgG and serum from allergic patients was inhibited by SP-D [20].
  • Restimulation with the same agonist (PAF or C5a) was unsuccessful as assessed by monitoring intracellular calcium concentration and ECP release [21].
  • ECP levels after allergen challenge correlate well to surfactant dysfunction [3].
  • Suplatast tosilate (IPD-1151T), a new anti-allergic agent, has shown beneficial effect in the treatment of asthma, associated with reduced bronchoalveolar lavage eosinophil infiltration and eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) release in serum and sputum [22].
  • Analysis of ECP mt1 (R34A/W35A/R36A/K38A) showed that these charged and aromatic residues were involved in ECP binding to heparin and the cell surface [23].

Other interactions of RNASE3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RNASE3


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