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Corneal Edema

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Disease relevance of Corneal Edema


High impact information on Corneal Edema

  • Biomicroscopic and histologic examination of bFGF- and VEGF-induced angiogenesis was notable for the absence of corneal edema or substantial inflammation [6].
  • Corneal edema recovery dynamics in diabetes: is the alloxan induced diabetic rabbit a useful model [7]?
  • When octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane or other single small species of linear and cyclic LMWC of SiO were injected into the rabbit anterior chamber, severe inflammation and corneal edema were induced [8].
  • The critical hydrogel lens oxygen transmissibility needed to limit overnight corneal edema to 4% (the level experienced without a contact lens in place) was found to be 87.0 +/- 3.3 X 10(-9) (cm X ml O2)/(sec X ml X mmHg)--an EOP of 17.9% [9].
  • Phenylephrine may therefore be implicated as a causative factor of corneal edema and postoperative inflammation [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Corneal Edema

  • Recent reports suggest that the aphakic eye develops less corneal edema than the phakic eye during hydrogel contact lens wear [11].
  • Using a rabbit model, the effects of trifluridine (F3TdR) on corneal edema and stromal disease were examined when combined with each of three immunosuppressive agents [1].
  • RESULTS: A 3-week course of topical steroid treatment resulted in a dramatic improvement in the stromal corneal edema and regression of the deep stromal vascularization [12].
  • There was no change in the corneal edema with the injection of sodium hyaluronate 1.4% (Healon GV as a control [13].
  • No untoward reaction to the fluorescein was observed; however, the long ultrasound exposure for very hard nuclei (up to 4 minutes) caused corneal edema in two eyes [14].

Biological context of Corneal Edema


Anatomical context of Corneal Edema


Gene context of Corneal Edema

  • Possible side effects of tPA injection, such as increased intraocular pressure and corneal edema, were not observed [22].
  • METHODS: We induced hypoxic corneal edema and measured corneal deswelling (expressed as percent recovery per hour, PRPH, over 7 hours) with a modified optical pachometer in 12 corneas of 8 patients transplanted 7-18 years previously and in 21 normal adult control subjects [23].
  • An early manifestation of posterior polymorphous dystrophy with corneal edema present at birth or soon thereafter is extremely rare; only a few ultrastructural reports are available [24].
  • Permanent corneal edema resulting from the treatment of PTK corneal haze with mitomycin: a case report [25].
  • In eyes treated with a cyclooxygenase inhibitor the period of neovascularization was slightly shortened and corneal edema decreased [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Corneal Edema


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  8. Ocular toxicity of low-molecular-weight components of silicone and fluorosilicone oils. Nakamura, K., Refojo, M.F., Crabtree, D.V., Pastor, J., Leong, F.L. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1991) [Pubmed]
  9. Critical oxygen levels to avoid corneal edema for daily and extended wear contact lenses. Holden, B.A., Mertz, G.W. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1984) [Pubmed]
  10. Effect of phenylephrine on normal and regenerated endothelial cells in cat cornea. Cohen, K.L., Van Horn, D.L., Edelhauser, H.F., Schultz, R.O. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1979) [Pubmed]
  11. Effects of cataract surgery on corneal function. Holden, B.A., Polse, K.A., Fonn, D., Mertz, G.W. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1982) [Pubmed]
  12. Neurotrophic corneal endothelial failure complicating acute Horner syndrome. Zamir, E., Chowers, I., Banin, E., Frucht-Pery, J. Ophthalmology (1999) [Pubmed]
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  14. Fluorescein blue, light-assisted capsulorhexis for mature or hypermature cataract. Fritz, W.L. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery. (1998) [Pubmed]
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  16. Clinical performance of two opaque, tinted soft contact lenses. Gauthier, C.A., Grant, T., Holden, B.A. Journal of the American Optometric Association. (1992) [Pubmed]
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  20. Extracellular matrix and Na+,K+-ATPase in human corneas following cataract surgery: comparison with bullous keratopathy and Fuchs' dystrophy corneas. Ljubimov, A.V., Atilano, S.R., Garner, M.H., Maguen, E., Nesburn, A.B., Kenney, M.C. Cornea (2002) [Pubmed]
  21. Thermal modeling of millimeter wave damage to the primate cornea at 35 GHz and 94 GHz. Foster, K.R., D'Andrea, J.A., Chalfin, S., Hatcher, D.J. Health physics. (2003) [Pubmed]
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  24. An ultrastructural investigation of an early manifestation of the posterior polymorphous dystrophy of the cornea. Sekundo, W., Lee, W.R., Kirkness, C.M., Aitken, D.A., Fleck, B. Ophthalmology (1994) [Pubmed]
  25. Permanent corneal edema resulting from the treatment of PTK corneal haze with mitomycin: a case report. Pfister, R.R. Cornea (2004) [Pubmed]
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  28. Reversible amantadine-induced corneal edema in an adolescent. Hughes, B., Feiz, V., Flynn, S.B., Brodsky, M.C. Cornea (2004) [Pubmed]
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