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Population Growth

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Disease relevance of Population Growth

  • A response-plane has been developed with Tetrahymena pyriformis population growth impairment toxicity data [log 1/50% growth inhibitory concentration (IGC50)], the 1-octanol/water partition coefficient (log Kow), and the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (Elumo) [1].
  • These data show that osmotic dehydration with 2% CaCl2 combined with 20% sucrose limits decay of apple slices and does not promote bacterial or total aerobic population growth [2].
  • Using Pseudomonas fluorescens (ATCC # 17400) as a model organism grown in a two L bioreactor under varying levels of O2 we studied its effects on population growth and its ability to mitigate denitrification in closed systems [3].

High impact information on Population Growth

  • There is limited direct evidence for changes in the earth's oxidizing capacity since recent preindustrial times when, because of industrial and population growth, increasing amounts of O3 precursor trace gases (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons) have been released into the atmosphere [4].
  • In this issue of Neuron, Nakahara and colleagues record from dopamine neurons in alert monkeys and show that the neurons can encode predictions that are not so restricted, taking into account the context of past trends [5].
  • Cocaine increases natural killer cell activity [6].
  • One of the genes identified, BABY BOOM (BBM), shows similarity to the AP2/ERF family of transcription factors and is expressed preferentially in developing embryos and seeds [7].
  • Overexpression of murine fizzy-related (fzr) increases natural killer cell-mediated cell death and suppresses tumor growth [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Population Growth


Biological context of Population Growth


Anatomical context of Population Growth


Associations of Population Growth with chemical compounds

  • Dietary counseling to increase natural folate intake: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in free-living subjects to assess effects on serum folate and plasma total homocysteine [19].
  • Dexamethasone also produces a concentration-dependent inhibition of population growth [20].
  • METHODS: Chemostat population ecology mathematical models of the tumor-host interface are developed resulting in coupled, nonlinear differential equations which link population growth to acquisition and utilization of glucose [21].
  • Continued exposure to the same ouabain concentration resulted in an increase of 86Rb+ uptake rate, intracellular potassium content and population growth rates to control values (adaptation) [22].
  • However, 17 beta-estradiol did not stimulate the rise in ovarian preprorelaxin mRNA levels when given to pregnant rats that were hysterectomized near the time of the natural increase in preprorelaxin mRNA levels [23].

Gene context of Population Growth

  • As VEGF production increased with population growth, U251 MG/V121-C2 and U251 MG/V165-C3 cells accumulated 47.9 and 22.0 ng of VEGF during a 5-day culture of 10(4) cells, a 313- and 144-fold overexpression when compared with that in parental U251 MG cells [24].
  • JA-treatment reduced aphid population growth on a susceptible tomato cultivar that lacks Mi-1.2, but did not significantly enhance or inhibit aphid control on a near-isogenic resistant tomato cultivar that carries this gene [25].
  • Accordingly, we cloned two stress protein genes encoding HSP70 and GRP94, and found that their expression changed during the population growth of rotifers [26].
  • In contrast to the untransfected malignant tumor cells and those expressing the FGFR2IIIb/R1 chimera, FGF-7 caused a dose-dependent net inhibition of the population growth rates of cells expressing the full-length FGFR2IIIb kinase [27].
  • If horse serum was substituted for fetal calf serum, population growth ceased; i.e., cultures became "stationary." Such stationary cultures could be induced to resume active growth by the addition of a pituitary hormone, prolactin (ovine, rat); concentrations as low as 10 pg/ml had a detectable effect [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Population Growth


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