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Chemical Compound Review

Saturno     1-[(4- chlorophenyl)methylsulfanyl]- N,N...

Synonyms: Siacarb, Bolero, Saturb, Saturn, Benthiocarb, ...
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Disease relevance of THIOBENCARB


Psychiatry related information on THIOBENCARB

  • Eight adults with a music-specific learning disability (i.e., tone deafness, but we prefer the term "congenital amusia") were asked to tap along with music (e.g., Ravel's Bolero) and with nonmusical isochronous sequences (i.e., noise bursts) [6].
  • Drug testing athletes to prevent substance abuse: background and pilot study results of the SATURN (Student Athlete Testing Using Random Notification) study [7].
  • Artists have also depicted the physiognomy of depressives, e.g. Hans Baldung Grien in his picture 'Saturn' showing the pronounced nasolabial folds described by Veraguth as indicative of melancholia [8].

High impact information on THIOBENCARB

  • Thiobencarb S-oxide was the principal metabolite and accounted for 98% of the total thiobencarb metabolized by striped bass liver microsomes [1].
  • This conclusion was supported by studies with microsomes and purified mammalian monooxygenases which also metabolized thiobencarb without cooxidizing factors [1].
  • In the present study, the herbicides bentazone, molinate, thiobencarb and trifluralin were evaluated for mutagenic and recombinagenic effects using the wing spot test of Drosophila melanogaster (somatic mutation and recombination test, SMART) [9].
  • Phylogenetic relationships among those yeast species that form saturn-shaped ascospores and which are assigned to the genera Williopsis and Pichia were estimated from their extent of nucleotide sequence divergence in three regions of ribosomal RNA [10].
  • Maximum measured concentrations of clomazone, molinate, and thiobencarb in floodwaters were 202, 1042, and 148 mug/L, respectively, taking 18.4, 26.4, and 21.4 days to dissipate to concentrations set to protect aquatic ecosystems [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of THIOBENCARB


Biological context of THIOBENCARB

  • Effects of thiobencarb on growth, photosynthesis and photoinhibition of Nostoc sphaeroides colonies were examined [2].
  • Maximum uptake of thiobencarb was associated with high biomass yield [3].
  • The system currently uses ArcInfo to couple four separate submodels: a source activity/emission model (SATURN), a proprietary atmospheric dispersion model (ADMS-Urban), an empirically derived background air pollution model, and a purposely designed time-activity-based exposure model (TOTEM) [14].
  • The ionic profiles altered by benthiocarb toxicity indicate possible perturbations in the electric activity of neurons, in oxygen consumption, and in the ATPase system, as well as disruption in the movement of ions across ionic pumps and impairment of synaptic transmission [15].
  • Based on IC50 values, it was evident that Mg2+-ATPase was sensitive to benthiocarb [16].

Anatomical context of THIOBENCARB


Associations of THIOBENCARB with other chemical compounds

  • The in vivo effects of other thiocarbamate herbicides at 8 mg/kg on ALDH activity and 40 mg/kg on acetaldehyde levels decrease in the order of thiobencarb, pebulate, vernolate and molinate > butylate and triallate >> cycloate [20].
  • Effect in vitro of benthiocarb on rat brain succinate dehydrogenase [21].
  • Phoebe's composition is close to that derived for other solar nebula bodies such as Triton and Pluto, but is very different from that of the regular satellites of Saturn, supporting Phoebe's origin as a captured body from the outer Solar System [22].
  • However, the survival rate of the sample collected on May 27 was 0% and the pesticides, fenitrothion, and thiobencarb were detected in the water [23].
  • Williopsis salicorniae IFO 10733 (type strain), which is characterized by the formation of saturn-shaped ascospores, by the incapability of assimilating nitrate, and by a lower DNA base composition (36.7 mol% G + C), was examined for its partial base sequences of 18S and 26S rRNAs [24].

Gene context of THIOBENCARB

  • Withdrawal of thiobencarb treatment resulted in the recovery of AChE activity to a normal level, whereas there was no recovery of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity in either neonate or adult rat brains [25].
  • Recovery of benthiocarb-inhibited AChE in fish brain: an in vitro study [26].
  • The increased glutaminase activity observed during benthiocarb intoxication is accounted for counteracting acidosis or maintenance of metabolic homeostasis [27].
  • Inhibition of photosystem II of nitrogen-fixing blue-green alga Nostoc linckia by the rice-field herbicide benthiocarb [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of THIOBENCARB

  • By analogy to the historical controversy concerning the appearance of the planet Saturn viewed through early telescopes, understanding the inconstancy of hypofrontality in schizophrenia is likely to progress more by theoretically driven experiments that exploit the repeatability of fMRI than by further technological development alone [29].
  • Six wore daily wear soft contact lenses, two wore extended-wear soft contact lenses, one wore a polymethylmethacrylate hard contact lens, one wore a gas-permeable hard contact lens, and one wore a Saturn lens (combined hard and soft lens) [30].
  • One week after treatment, only thiobencarb had a significant effect, suppressing populations of chironomids, calanoids, and cyclopoids (p < 0.05) [12].
  • Saturn-ring defects around microspheres suspended in nematic liquid crystals: an analogy between confined geometries and magnetic fields [31].
  • We studied Saturn II contact lenses in keratoconus patients who were intolerant to other available contact lenses [4].


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