MeSH Review:
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- Differentiation of posterior polymorphous dystrophy from other posterior corneal opacities by specular microscopy. Brooks, A.M., Grant, G., Gillies, W.E. Ophthalmology (1989)
- Molecular basis for keratoconus: lack of TrkA expression and its transcriptional repression by Sp3. Lambiase, A., Merlo, D., Mollinari, C., Bonini, P., Rinaldi, A.M., D' Amato, M., Micera, A., Coassin, M., Rama, P., Bonini, S., Garaci, E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
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- Collagen crosslinking in keratoconus. Cannon, D.J., Foster, C.S. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1978)
- Detection of specific collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas. Newsome, D.A., Foidart, J.M., Hassell, J.R., Krachmer, J.H., Rodrigues, M.M., Katz, S.I. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1981)
- Gene expression profile studies of human keratoconus cornea for NEIBank: a novel cornea-expressed gene and the absence of transcripts for aquaporin 5. Rabinowitz, Y.S., Dong, L., Wistow, G. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2005)
- VSX1 mutational analysis in a series of Italian patients affected by keratoconus: detection of a novel mutation. Bisceglia, L., Ciaschetti, M., De Bonis, P., Campo, P.A., Pizzicoli, C., Scala, C., Grifa, M., Ciavarella, P., Delle Noci, N., Vaira, F., Macaluso, C., Zelante, L. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2005)
- Familial keratoconus with cataract: linkage to the long arm of chromosome 15 and exclusion of candidate genes. Hughes, A.E., Dash, D.P., Jackson, A.J., Frazer, D.G., Silvestri, G. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2003)
- Keratoconus and Fuchs' corneal endothelial dystrophy in a patient and her family. Lipman, R.M., Rubenstein, J.B., Torczynski, E. Arch. Ophthalmol. (1990)
- Cathepsin G, acid phosphatase, and alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor messenger RNA levels in keratoconus corneas. Whitelock, R.B., Fukuchi, T., Zhou, L., Twining, S.S., Sugar, J., Feder, R.S., Yue, B.Y. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1997)
- Kruppel-like factor 6 (KLF6) affects the promoter activity of the alpha1-proteinase inhibitor gene. Chiambaretta, F., Nakamura, H., De Graeve, F., Sakai, H., Marceau, G., Maruyama, Y., Rigal, D., Dastugue, B., Sugar, J., Yue, B.Y., Sapin, V. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2006)
- Glycoconjugate abnormalities in cultured keratoconus stromal cells. Yue, B.Y., Panjwani, N., Sugar, J., Baum, J. Arch. Ophthalmol. (1988)
- EMMPRIN and MMP-1 in keratoconus. Seppälä, H.P., Määttä, M., Rautia, M., Mackiewicz, Z., Tuisku, I., Tervo, T., Konttinen, Y.T. Cornea (2006)
- Increased gelatinolytic activity in keratoconus keratocyte cultures. A correlation to an altered matrix metalloproteinase-2/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase ratio. Kenney, M.C., Chwa, M., Opbroek, A.J., Brown, D.J. Cornea (1994)
- Localization of TIMP-1, TIMP-2, TIMP-3, gelatinase A and gelatinase B in pathological human corneas. Kenney, M.C., Chwa, M., Alba, A., Saghizadeh, M., Huang, Z.S., Brown, D.J. Curr. Eye Res. (1998)
- Altered expression of CLC, DSG3, EMP3, S100A2, and SLPI in corneal epithelium from keratoconus patients. Nielsen, K., Heegaard, S., Vorum, H., Birkenkamp-Demtröder, K., Ehlers, N., Orntoft, T.F. Cornea (2005)
- Expression of degradative enzymes and protease inhibitors in corneas with keratoconus. Zhou, L., Sawaguchi, S., Twining, S.S., Sugar, J., Feder, R.S., Yue, B.Y. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1998)
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- A piggyback contact lens for the correction of irregular astigmatism in keratoconus. Tsubota, K., Mashima, Y., Murata, H., Yamada, M. Ophthalmology (1994)