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Disease relevance of Keratoconus


High impact information on Keratoconus

  • Molecular basis for keratoconus: lack of TrkA expression and its transcriptional repression by Sp3 [6].
  • We suggest that an imbalance in Sp transcription-factor isoforms may play a role in controlling the NGF signaling, thus contributing to the pathogenesis of keratoconus [6].
  • Keratoconus is the most common corneal dystrophy that leads to severe visual impairment [6].
  • A VSX1 HD mutation, R166W, that impairs DNA binding and causes keratoconus in humans, hindered repressor function [7].
  • This information may help elucidate the molecular pathways leading to the altered alpha1-proteinase inhibitor expression in keratoconus [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Keratoconus


Biological context of Keratoconus

  • In the cornea-thinning disease keratoconus, down-regulation of the alpha1-proteinase inhibitor gene and increased Sp1 expression have both been demonstrated [8].
  • Gene expression profile studies of human keratoconus cornea for NEIBank: a novel cornea-expressed gene and the absence of transcripts for aquaporin 5 [13].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Mutational analysis of the VSX1 gene in a series of Italian patients revealed one novel mutation and confirmed an important role played by this gene in a significant proportion of patients affected by keratoconus, when it is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance [14].
  • RESULTS: The locus for keratoconus with cataract was mapped to a 6.5-Mb region of the long arm of chromosome 15, at 22.33-24.2 between CYP11A and D15S211 [15].
  • Although one cannot conclude inheritance patterns based on this limited evaluation, the findings in this family support previous observations that keratoconus can be familial, and that Fuchs' corneal dystrophy has a female predilection with an autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern [16].

Anatomical context of Keratoconus


Gene context of Keratoconus


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Keratoconus

  • The macromolecules in macular corneas and in keratoconus corneas, an abnormality not involving proteoglycans, were biosynthetically labeled with [3H]mannose and [14C]glucosamine in organ culture, and the keratan sulfate proteoglycans were immunoprecipitated with antibodies against the protein core of monkey keratan sulfate proteoglycan [9].
  • Enzymatic assays and western blot analysis were carried out for cathepsins B and G. In addition, an in situ zymography procedure was used to examine the gelatin- and casein-digesting activities in corneas with keratoconus [24].
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays were performed to confirm the interactions between KLF6 and promoters of the genes affected in keratoconus [18].
  • This study supports the hypothesis that the degree of post-penetrating keratoplasty myopia in patients with keratoconus can be decreased by reducing recipient-donor trephine disparity [25].
  • In the clinical evaluation, 11 patients with keratoconus (8 men, 3 women; 25.1 +/- 4.9 years of age) who could not wear hard contact lenses due to constant pain or inadequate lens fitting were given oxygen-permeable piggyback contact lenses and were observed for at least 9 months [26].


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