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Chemical Compound Review

Glidsafe     (4R)-1-methyl-4-prop-1-en-2- yl-cyclohexene

Synonyms: Refchole, Carvene, Citrene, Glidesafe, Kautschiin, ...
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Disease relevance of C06099

  • In these experiments D-limonene and D-carvone were tested and reduced forestomach tumor formation by slightly over 60% and pulmonary adenoma formation by about 35% [1].
  • We have shown that d-limonene induces the regression of advanced rat mammary adenocarcinomas [2].
  • No toxicity was evident in these rats even at the highest d-limonene dose [3].
  • d-Limonene was found to be effective in reducing the average number of rat mammary carcinomas that developed in 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-treated rats when the terpene was fed during the initiation or during the promotion/progression stage of carcinogenesis [4].
  • However, in rats given both sodium chloride and d-limonene, the incidence of gastric cancers, the labeling index and ODC activity were significantly lower and the apoptotic index was significantly higher than in rats given sodium chloride alone [5].

High impact information on C06099

  • Quercetin, d-limonene, and all-trans retinoic acid each had no effect on spontaneous tumor development in p53-/- mice [6].
  • The presence of alpha 2u-globulin is necessary for d-limonene promotion of male rat kidney tumors [7].
  • In a 2-year carcinogenesis bioassay, d-limonene (dL) induced kidney tumors in male F344 rats, but not in female F344 rats or either sex of mice, d-Limonene-1,2-oxide, a metabolite of dL, has been shown to bind reversibly the male rat-specific urinary protein, alpha2u-globulin (alpha 2u-G), lysosomal degradation than alpha 2u-G alone [7].
  • Selective inhibition of isoprenylation of 21-26-kDa proteins by the anticarcinogen d-limonene and its metabolites [8].
  • With administration of sufficient doses of d-limonene to male rats, this protein has been found to accumulate excessively in the P2 segment cells of renal proximal tubules, resulting in hyaline droplet formation as a manifestation of protein overload [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of C06099


Biological context of C06099

  • This proposed mechanism has been supported by additional information, including negative genotoxicity tests for d-limonene and its oxide metabolites, experimentally verified tumor promotion, and enhanced cell proliferation primarily in P2 segment tubule cells in male F344 rats, but no such effects in the alpha 2U-g-deficient NBR rat [9].
  • The results of isotopically sensitive branching experiments of competitive and noncompetitive design were consistent with a nondissociative kinetic mechanism, indicating that (4R)-limonene has sufficient freedom of motion within the active site of CYP71D18 to allow formation of either the trans-3- or cis-6-hydroxylated product [15].
  • Pharmacokinetics of perillic acid in humans after a single dose administration of a citrus preparation rich in d-limonene content [16].
  • Comparative analysis of percutaneous absorption enhancement by d-limonene and oleic acid based on a skin diffusion model [17].
  • Further studies with large sample sizes are needed to more completely evaluate the interrelationships between peel intake, bioavailability of d-limonene, and other lifestyle factors [18].

Anatomical context of C06099


Associations of C06099 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of C06099


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of C06099


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  14. Comparison of short-term renal effects due to oral administration of decalin or d-limonene in young adult male Fischer-344 rats. Kanerva, R.L., Ridder, G.M., Lefever, F.R., Alden, C.L. Food Chem. Toxicol. (1987) [Pubmed]
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