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Gene Review

Fbl  -  fibrillarin

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Histone-glutamine methyltransferase, Nucleolar protein 1, rRNA 2'-O-methyltransferase fibrillarin
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Disease relevance of Fbl


Psychiatry related information on Fbl


High impact information on Fbl


Chemical compound and disease context of Fbl


Biological context of Fbl

  • Nucleolar chromosomes such as chromosomes no [15].
  • These observations indicate that the nucleolus-derived particles containing ribosomal protein S1 are different from cytoplasmic ribosomes and, in the living cell, are selectively recollected after mitosis into the newly formed nuclei and translocated into a specific nucleolar subcompartment, i.e., the granular component [16].
  • Our data are consistent with a model in which C/D small nucleolar RNA might play a role in the regulation of RNA editing [17].
  • Nuclear microinjection of mutant MRP RNAs revealed that nucleolar localization requires a sequence element (nucleotides 23-62) previously implicated as a binding site for a nucleolar protein, the To antigen [18].
  • Drug-induced dispersal of transcribed rRNA genes and transcriptional products: immunolocalization and silver staining of different nucleolar components in rat cells treated with 5,6-dichloro-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole [19].

Anatomical context of Fbl

  • Using coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we show that the nucleolar and coiled-body protein Nopp140 interacts with both classes of snoRNPs [20].
  • These results demonstrate that SRP RNA concentrates in an intranucleolar location other than the classical stations of ribosome biosynthesis, suggesting that there may be nucleolar regions that are specialized for other functions [21].
  • Using anti-(U3)RNP autoantibodies, we have isolated and characterized two additional small nucleolar RNAs from HeLa cells, which are less abundant than U3 RNA [22].
  • Specifically, there appeared to be a general relaxation in the condensation state of the nucleoli, changes in both the number and size of the granular ribonucleoprotein components, and finally a reorganization of the nucleolar fibrillar reticulum [23].
  • This protein is not detected in the residual nucleolar structures of cells inactive in rRNA synthesis such as amphibian and avian erythrocytes [16].

Associations of Fbl with chemical compounds

  • This nucleolar 34-kDa protein resembles several nucleoplasmic proteins that are associated with heterogeneous nuclear RNA with respect to isoelectric point, Mr, presence of NG,NG-dimethylarginine, and its high glycine content [24].
  • Moreover, we have identified a brain-specific small RNA, termed MBII-52, which was predicted to function as a nucleolar C/D RNA, thereby targeting an A-to-I editing site (C-site) within the 5-HT2C serotonin receptor pre-mRNA for 2'-O-methylation [17].
  • Supplementation of the methionine-free diet with cystine blocks the nucleolar enlargement and the enhancement of the polymerase activity that would otherwise take place, but the dispensable amino acid does not affect the responses to a deprivation of one of the other essential amino acids [25].
  • Nucleolar protein B23 translocation after doxorubicin treatment in murine tumor cells [26].
  • Dietary administration of these compounds significantly decreased the expression of cell proliferation biomarkers (5-bromodeoxyuridine-labeling index and silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions protein number) of the nonlesional tongue squamous epithelium (P < 0.05) [27].

Physical interactions of Fbl


Regulatory relationships of Fbl


Other interactions of Fbl


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fbl

  • In the present study we describe the nucleolar localization of a specific ribosomal protein (S1) by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy using a monoclonal antibody (RS1-105) [16].
  • These results indicate that red blood cell-mediated microinjection of antibodies can be used to study nucleolar and nuclear antigens [36].
  • Localization was specifically in the dense fibrillar component of the nucleolus, as revealed by immunocytochemistry with a monoclonal antibody against fibrillarin, a known dense fibrillar component protein, as well as by digital optical sectioning microscopy and 3-D stereo reconstruction [18].
  • Dual probe in situ hybridization experiments confirmed that a significant fraction of nucleolar SRP RNA was not spatially coincident with 28S ribosomal RNA [21].
  • Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy on fixed and permeabilized Buffalo rat liver (BRL) cells with anti-p140 antibodies exhibited a distinct punctate nucleolar staining [38].


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