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Chemical Compound Review

Deprenil     N-methyl-N-(1-phenylpropan-2- yl)prop-2-yn...

Synonyms: CHEBI:50217, CHEBI:118032, AR-1L0637, LS-103418, LS-171873, ...
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Disease relevance of selegiline

  • Disease progression, as monitored by five different assessment scales, was slowed (by 40 to 83% per year) in the deprenyl group compared to placebo [1].
  • Possible mechanism of action of deprenyl in parkinsonism [2].
  • Levodopa-treated Parkinson's disease patients who had been treated with deprenyl for up to 7 years, compared with patients who were changed to a placebo after about 5 years, experienced slower motor decline and were more likely to develop dyskinesias but less likely to develop freezing of gait [3].
  • Application of an antioxidant (gluthathione monoethyl ester), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (deprenyl, clogyline, paragyline), or an inhibitor of dopamine uptake (nomifensine) attenuated dopamine toxicity and dopamine-induced proteasome impairment [4].
  • Therefore, in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, reconsideration of the dosing schedule, by lowering the dose of deprenyl and choosing the most appropriate route of administration, would diminish undesired adverse effects, with unaltered neuroprotective potency [5].

Psychiatry related information on selegiline


High impact information on selegiline


Chemical compound and disease context of selegiline


Biological context of selegiline

  • In accordance with their potencies as enzyme inhibitors, binding to MAO-A and MAO-B was competitively inhibited by clorgyline (IC50 = 1.4 nM) and L-deprenyl (selegiline; IC50 = 8.0 nM), respectively [21].
  • Marked effect of liver and kidney function on the pharmacokinetics of selegiline [22].
  • Ischemia-induced delayed neuronal death can be mediated by apoptosis, and (-)deprenyl has been shown to block apoptosis in dopaminergic and cholinergic neurons [23].
  • However, even in the early clinical stage of PD, the sequence of events leading to nigral cell death may be too far advanced for selegiline to exhibit its maximum potential [24].
  • In addition, in the tilting test, the fall in diastolic blood pressure immediately after tilting and in systolic blood pressure 2 minutes after standing up was more pronounced in the selegiline group than in the placebo group [25].

Anatomical context of selegiline


Associations of selegiline with other chemical compounds


Gene context of selegiline

  • Possible mechanisms for the release-enhancing effect of the MAO-B inhibitors include elevation in levels of endogenous beta-phenylethylamine, or an inhibition of DA reuptake, which develops only on chronic administration, because both deprenyl and TVP-1012 have only very weak effects on amine uptake in acute experiments [33].
  • Deprenyl enantiomers and S-methamphetamine were substrates of human recombinant FMO3 [34].
  • The selectivity of the separate assays is further enhanced by the use of inhibitors, deprenyl to block MAO-B and clorgyline to block MAO-A [35].
  • In vitro, CYP2B6 was the most active form of p450 involved in selegiline metabolism [36].
  • Homology modeling suggested the participation of CYP2B6 in the demethylation of selegiline and of CYP2D6 in the depropargylation of the drug [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of selegiline


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  30. CYP2D6 polymorphism is not crucial for the disposition of selegiline. Scheinin, H., Anttila, M., Dahl, M.L., Karnani, H., Nyman, L., Taavitsainen, P., Pelkonen, O., Bertilsson, L. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (1998) [Pubmed]
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