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Chemical Compound Review

Esculatin     6,7-dihydroxychromen-2-one

Synonyms: Esculetin, Esculetol, Aesculetin, Asculetine, Cichorigenin, ...
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Disease relevance of Esculatin


High impact information on Esculatin

  • Bile salt-induced increases in chemiluminescence were abolished by CuDIPS, phenidone, and esculetin, but not by indomethacin [6].
  • Cells that received 4-BPB, IB, or NS398, but not esculetin showed a significant reduction in the levels of proMMP-2, MMP-9, and proMMP-9 in the culture medium [7].
  • We also tested the effect of 4-BPB, IB, NS398, and esculetin on the secretion of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), as key enzymes in the proteolysis of Matrigel during invasion, using gelatin zymograms and Western blots [7].
  • Esculetin, a specific inhibitor of 12-lipoxygenase, prevented the effect of AA, but cyclooxygenase inhibitor did not [8].
  • Further, esculetin (10(-6)M) increased renin release in renal slices from 150 +/- 10 to 310 +/- 20 ng/ml.h (P < 0.05) and this rise was entirely blocked in the presence of 12HETE (10(-7)M; 130 +/- 40 ng/ml.h) [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Esculatin


Biological context of Esculatin


Anatomical context of Esculatin


Associations of Esculatin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Esculatin


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Esculatin


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