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Chemical Compound Review

Neoxazoi     4-amino-N-(3,4-dimethyl-1,2- oxazol-5...

Synonyms: Accuzole, Sulfazin, Gantrisin, Sulfafurazole, Sulfasoxizole, ...
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Disease relevance of Tl-azole


Psychiatry related information on Tl-azole

  • The two regimens prescribed were equally effective in eradicating the infection, but after the discontinuation of the 10-day treatment with sulfafurazole, 17 (23%) of 73 patients with their upper urinary tract infection experienced a recurrence within one month, as compared to only one (1) of 76 subjects in the 42-day therapy group [5].

High impact information on Tl-azole


Chemical compound and disease context of Tl-azole


Biological context of Tl-azole


Anatomical context of Tl-azole


Associations of Tl-azole with other chemical compounds

  • All 56 isolates collected between 1984 and 1987 were susceptible to all antibiotics tested; 13 (7.4%) of 176 strains isolated between 1989 and 1991 were resistant to streptomycin, sulfisoxazole, and tetracycline. lambda-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis suggested that the 13 resistant strains belonged to nine different clones [26].
  • Treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections with trimethoprim versus sulfisoxazole, with special reference to antibody-coated bacteria and fecal flora [27].
  • The in vivo effect of bilirubin and sulfisoxazole on cerebral oxygen, glucose, and lactate metabolism in newborn piglets [28].
  • The increases were then applied to baseline UBC, determined by linear regression analysis of binding data (peroxidase method) from 86 newborns, at total bilirubins of 12 mg/dL for sulfisoxazole and 10 mg/dL for benzoate [14].
  • This suggests that a single dose of amikacin is as effective as a 10-day course of sulfisoxazole in the treatment of presumed first lower urinary tract infection in girls [15].

Gene context of Tl-azole


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tl-azole

  • The remaining kidney function was preserved, and the patient had a very favorable outcome because of early diagnosis and prompt treatment with sulfisoxazole [31].
  • All isolates for which the sulfisoxazole MIC was >/=8 possessed the C682A mutation by real-time PCR or folP sequencing, and 34 of 35 isolates with a MIC of </=2 lacked this mutation [32].
  • Sulfisoxazole chemoprophylaxis for frequent otitis media [33].
  • Sulfisoxazole, 75 mg/kg/d in two divided doses for 3 months, was administered in a double-blind placebo crossover study to 35 children aged 6 months to 5 years who had frequent recurring episodes of otitis media [33].
  • A similar increase was not observed in swine after oral or intravenous administration of sulfisoxazole (100 mg/kg) or in humans (approximately 28 mg/kg) after oral administration or in dogs (100 mg/kg) after intravenous administration [34].


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