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AC1NUW8M     (3S)-3-amino-3-[[(1S)-1- [[(1S)-1-[[(S)...

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Disease relevance of Hypertensin


High impact information on Hypertensin


Chemical compound and disease context of Hypertensin


Biological context of Hypertensin


Anatomical context of Hypertensin

  • Normal, unstimulated alveolar macrophages (AM) and monocytes (Mo) from both mice and rats have been shown to exhibit an angiotensin-I-forming enzyme [21].
  • The presence of renin and angiotensins and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme in normal macrophages and monocytes seems to be common [21].
  • In this study angiotensin-I-generating activity was measured in bovine aqueous humor and vitreous and in extracts of bovine retina, pigment epithelium-choroid, and anterior uveal tract before and after subjecting these extracts to procedures known to convert prorenin to renin [22].
  • Relationship between serum angiotensin-I-converting enzyme activity and free thyroid hormones: a marker of macrophage activity [23]?
  • Soluble extracts prepared from bovine thymus contain an angiotensin-I-phosphorylating activity that is activated several-fold by high concentrations of NaCl [24].

Associations of Hypertensin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Hypertensin

  • The Drosophila melanogaster-related angiotensin-I-converting enzymes Acer and Ance--distinct enzymic characteristics and alternative expression during pupal development [30].
  • In contrast, the pressor effect (58 +/- 6 mmHg) of angiotensin-I (300 ng/kg i.v.) was unaffected by the ECE-1 inhibitor (10 mg/kg i.v.) indicating the absence of activity against angiotensin-converting enzyme [31].
  • Apolipoprotein E4, lipoprotein lipase C447 and angiotensin-I converting enzyme deletion alleles were not associated with increased wall thickness of carotid and femoral arteries in healthy subjects from the Stanislas cohort [32].
  • The clinical value of inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system (RAAS) in heart failure has clearly been documented for the ACE-inhibitors as well as for the angiotensin-I-receptor blocker (AT1) by extensive intervention studies (AIRE, CONSENSUS, SAVE, ELITE II, ValHeFT and others) [33].
  • Plasma renin activity and angiotensin-I values were not significantly changed for any of the treatment groups [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hypertensin


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