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Gene Review

Agtr1a  -  angiotensin II receptor, type 1a

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 1810074K20Rik, AG2S, AI551199, AT1, AT1A, ...
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Disease relevance of Agtr1a


Psychiatry related information on Agtr1a

  • We measured light/dark rhythms in BP, heart rate (HR) and drinking behavior in Ang AT1a deficient (AT1a -/-) and wild type (AT1a +/+) mice with arterial telemetric catheters [5].

High impact information on Agtr1a

  • Elevated levels of crosslinked AT1 dimers were present on monocytes of patients with the common atherogenic risk factor hypertension and correlated with an enhanced angiotensin II-dependent monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells [6].
  • In agreement with this finding, factor XIIIA-deficient individuals lacked crosslinked AT1 dimers [6].
  • The type-1 receptor (AT1) mediates the vasopressive and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II, but the function of the type-2 receptor (AT2) is unknown, although it is expressed in both adult and embryonic life [7].
  • Moreover, the number of infiltrated macrophages was significantly lower in AT1a-/- mice than in WT mice, and double-immunofluorescence staining revealed that these macrophages expressed VEGF protein intensively [8].
  • These effects were not due to reduced systemic blood pressure (SBP), because hydralazine treatment preserved angiogenesis in WT mice although it reduced SBP to a level similar to that of AT1a(-/-) mice [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Agtr1a


Biological context of Agtr1a


Anatomical context of Agtr1a


Associations of Agtr1a with chemical compounds

  • When control chimeric mice made of wild-type cells and ROSA26 cells (i.e., both carrying intact Agtr1a) were infused with Ang II, fibroblast proliferation was found equally in these cardiomyocyte types [1].
  • Agtr1a -/-Agtr1b -/- mice have no systemic pressor response to infusions of angiotensin II, but they respond normally to another vasoconstrictor, epinephrine [15].
  • In the basal state, plasma vasopressin levels are similar in wild-type controls and Agtr1a -/- mice [18].
  • Although urinary sodium excretion was substantially reduced in both groups during the low-salt diet, cumulative sodium balances became negative in Agtr1a-/- mice despite a 6-fold increase in urinary aldosterone [4].
  • The residual constrictor effect observed during AT1 receptor blockade and sensitive to PD 123319 appears to be mediated by a non-AT1 receptor [19].

Physical interactions of Agtr1a

  • We investigated whether GC-A interacts with AT1A signaling in the heart by target deletion and pharmacological blockade or stimulation of AT1A in mice [10].

Regulatory relationships of Agtr1a

  • The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor has recently been shown to interact with several classes of cytoplasmic proteins that regulate different aspects of AT1 receptor physiology [20].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: We generated double-knockout (KO) mice for GC-A and AT1A by crossing GC-A-KO mice and AT1A-KO mice and blocked AT1 with a selective antagonist, CS-866 [10].
  • Collectively, these findings suggest that Ang II impairs functional hyperemia by activating AT1 receptors and inducing ROS production via a gp91phox containing NADPH oxidase [21].
  • RESULTS: The normal postnatal up-regulation of kininase II was organ-specifically suppressed in Agtr1-/- kidneys at 2 and 3 weeks of age [22].
  • AT1A receptor deficiency-induced reductions in atherosclerosis were independent of systolic blood pressure and measurements of oxidation and chemoattractants [23].

Other interactions of Agtr1a

  • Agtr1a-/-, Agtr1b-/- mice are characterized by normal in utero survival but decreased ex utero survival rate [24].
  • These abnormal phenotypes are quantitatively similar to those found in mutant mice homozygous for the angiotensinogen gene (Agt-/-), indicating that major biological functions of endogenous Ang elucidated by the abnormal phenotypes of Agt-/- are mediated by the AT1 receptors [24].
  • We examined the possibility of whether angiotensin (Ang) II type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2) receptor stimulation differentially regulates collagen production in mouse skin fibroblasts [25].
  • In contrast to wild-type and AT1-/- mice, this treatment led to severe atherosclerotic lesion formation in the aortic sinus and the aorta (oil red O staining) and to an impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation (organ chamber experiments with isolated aortic segments) in ApoE-/- mice [26].
  • Ang II decreased basal and IGF-I-induced collagen production and inhibited TIMP-1 expression in neonatal skin fibroblasts prepared from AT1a knockout (KO) mice [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Agtr1a


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