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Chemical Compound Review

auxin     2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanoic acid

Synonyms: Rhizopin, Heteroauxin, Hexteroauxin, indoleacetate, Indolylacetate, ...
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Disease relevance of auxin


High impact information on auxin


Chemical compound and disease context of auxin


Biological context of auxin

  • Similar analysis with root tip tissue treated with IAA reveals unique and overlapping expression patterns in the various cell types of the lateral root cap, cell division, and cell expansion zones [9].
  • The thiamin diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzyme indolepyruvate decarboxylase (IPDC) is involved in the biosynthetic pathway of the phytohormone 3-indoleacetic acid and catalyzes the nonoxidative decarboxylation of 3-indolepyruvate to 3-indoleacetaldehyde and carbon dioxide [12].
  • IAA is tolerated by humans in high doses and HRP is a robust enzyme meeting many of the requirements for targeting to tumours by coupling to antibodies or polymers, or by gene transfection [13].
  • Upon treatment with IAA/HRP, liposomes undergo lipid peroxidation, strand breaks and adducts are formed in supercoiled plasmid DNA, and mammalian cells in culture lose colony-forming ability [2].
  • The phenotype of MjCM-1 expressed at low levels can be rescued by the addition of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indicating MjCM-1 overexpression reduces IAA biosynthesis [14].

Anatomical context of auxin


Associations of auxin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of auxin

  • TIR1 is part of a ubiquitin protein ligase required for degradation of Aux/IAA proteins [8].
  • An amplified auxin asymmetry may explain the mdr4 hypertropism [25].
  • These results indicate that the increased auxin efflux activity conferred by PGP4 reduces auxin levels in the root hair cell and consequently inhibits root hair elongation [26].
  • Modulation of auxin sensitivity by Pi was found to depend on the auxin receptor TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE1 (TIR1) and the transcription factor AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR19 (ARF19) [27].
  • The efficacy of a number of auxin analogues and auxin transport inhibitors to displace IAA binding from AUX1 has also been determined and can be rationalized in terms of their physiological effects [28].
  • Taken together, our data show that D6PK is required for efficient auxin transport and suggest that PIN proteins are D6PK phosphorylation targets [29].
  • Our results are consistent with the possibility that limiting accumulation of the IAA precursor IBA via PDR8-promoted efflux contributes to auxin homeostasis [30].
  • Immunolocalization of the PINFORMED1 (PIN1) polar auxin transporter revealed that PIN1 expression marks leaf primordia in maize, similarly to Arabidopsis [31].
  • We show that auxin promoted PIN2 recycling from endosomes to the PM and increased PIN2 steady state levels in the PM fraction [32].
  • We therefore suggest that the auxin phenotypes of iar4 mutants are the result of altered IAA homeostasis [33].
  • This involves repression of the AUXIN INDUCIBLE (Aux/IAA) gene AXR2/IAA7, encoding a key component of ABA- and auxin-dependent responses during postgerminative growth [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of auxin


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