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Gene Review

Ftlg1  -  fetal gene 1

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of Ftlg1


Psychiatry related information on Ftlg1


High impact information on Ftlg1


Biological context of Ftlg1


Anatomical context of Ftlg1


Associations of Ftlg1 with chemical compounds

  • METHODS: Fetal porcine islet-like cell clusters (ICCs) were transplanted into normoglycemic rats that were either left untreated or treated with FTY720 only, with FTY720 plus cyclosporine A (CsA) or with CsA only [21].
  • Reprogramming of genetic networks during initiation of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome [22].
  • OBJECTIVE: On the basis of the recent Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit Networks clinical trial, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supports the administration of 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone caproate to high-risk patients [23].

Regulatory relationships of Ftlg1

  • METHODS: Fetal constraint was induced through uterine cerclage of six pregnant C57Bl/6 mice on the eighteenth day of gestation [24].

Other interactions of Ftlg1

  • CONCLUSIONS: Fetal (E17 and E19) fibroblasts have lower CTGF expression compared with adult fibroblasts [25].
  • METHODS: Fetal and postnatal corneal histopathology, adult corneal thickness, and the distribution of K12-immunostained cells were compared in wild-type and Pax6(+/-) mice [26].
  • Diabetes-Induced Fetal Growth Retardation is Associated with Suppression of NF-kappaB Activity in Embryos [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ftlg1

  • Artificial Perfusion of the Fetal Circulation of the In situ Mouse Placenta: Methodology and Validation [28].
  • RESULTS: Fetal defects caused by all four chemicals studied were reduced by maternal immunostimulation, sometimes dramatically [29].
  • These results importantly contribute to the development of an animal model of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in which both the behavioral and morphological consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure may be assessed in the same species [30].


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