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Gene Review

Cpox  -  coproporphyrinogen oxidase

Mus musculus

Synonyms: COX, CPX, Coprogen oxidase, Coproporphyrinogenase, Cpo, ...
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Disease relevance of Cpox

  • Expression of the cDNA coding for the putative mature human coproporphyrinogen oxidase in Escherichia coli resulted in a 17-fold increase in coproporphyrinogen activity over endogenous activity [1].
  • This COX10 KO mouse allowed us to correlate the muscle function with residual COX activity, an estimate that can help predict the progression pattern of human mitochondrial myopathies [2].
  • This fragment was used as a hybridization probe to isolate full-length coproporphyrinogen oxidase clones from a mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) cell cDNA library [3].
  • Identification of signaling elements downstream of COX inhibition, particularly of PG receptor subtypes responsible for pain sensitization (hyperalgesia), provides a strategy for better-tolerated analgesics [4].
  • Pharmacological inhibition of COX did not affect the levels of complex I, and transduction of knockout cells with lentivirus expressing wild-type or mutant COX10 (retaining residual activity) restored complex I to normal levels [5].

Psychiatry related information on Cpox

  • HCP (360 mg/kg) decreased the locomotor activity of mice [6].
  • On the basis of these observations, present findings indicated that the combination of COX and LOX inhibitors (dual inhibitors) may provide a new therapeutic innovation for the treatment of aging-related brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and different motor dysfunctions with adequate gastrointestinal tolerability [7].

High impact information on Cpox

  • Moreover, we did not observe coexistence of COX-positive and -negative mitochondria within single cells [8].
  • The pharmacological target of NSAIDs is cyclooxygenase (COX, also known as PGH synthase), which catalyses the first committed step in arachidonic-acid metabolism [9].
  • Blockade of prostaglandin (PG) production by COX inhibitors is the treatment of choice for inflammatory pain but is also prone to severe side effects [4].
  • Dual inhibition of the COX enzymes leads to damage similar to that seen with indomethacin [10].
  • COX proteins were detected by Western blot analysis, and COX activity was determined in the presence or absence of NS-398, a specific COX-2 antagonist [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cpox

  • Epidemiological studies revealed that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and sulindac, which inhibit COX activity, reduce colorectal cancer mortality [12].
  • Preincubation of cortical cultures with IGF-I increased arachidonic acid (AA)-induced cytotoxicity, and AA increased Zn(2+) toxicity, which suggested the involvement of COX activity in these cellular responses [13].
  • The nonselective COX inhibitor indomethacin and the selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib reduced tumor growth and metastasis outcome in s.c. LP07 tumor-bearing mice [14].
  • Preclinical and clinical studies in our laboratory have suggested that prostaglandin (PG) E2 is involved in anorexia and cachexia development, although the role of COX pathways on the pathogenesis of cancer cachexia remains to be clarified [15].
  • Limiting-dilution RT-PCR and Northern analysis were also used to analyze the specificity of this regulation; heat-killed M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis BCG, and latex beads had no effect on expression of COX VIIc [16].

Biological context of Cpox

  • The mitochondrial membrane potential was unchanged in KO versus wild-type neurons, suggesting that the effects of the ablation of Surf1 on Ca(2+) homeostasis, and possibly on longevity, may be independent, at least in part, from those on COX assembly and mitochondrial bioenergetics [17].
  • The sequence of the cDNA and predicted amino acid sequence of the human coproporphyrinogen oxidase are presented [1].
  • Surprisingly, even though COX activity in COX10 KO muscles was <5% of control muscle at 2.5 months, these muscles were still able to contract at 80-100% of control maximal forces and showed only a 10% increase in fatigability, and no signs of oxidative damage or apoptosis were detected [2].
  • Structural analysis demonstrated that the mouse CPO gene spans approximately 11 kb and consists of seven exons, just like its human counterpart [18].
  • In this work, an RNA interference approach was taken which led to the generation of mouse A9 cell derivatives with suppressed expression of nuclear-encoded subunit IV (COX IV) of this complex [19].

Anatomical context of Cpox

  • Results of Southern blotting were consistent with the presence of a single human coproporphyrinogen oxidase gene, and Northern blotting demonstrated one transcript of similar size in erythroid and nonerythroid cell lines [1].
  • We have created a mouse model with an isolated cytochrome c oxidase (COX) deficiency by disrupting the COX10 gene in skeletal muscle [2].
  • The cDNA allows for the expression of active coproporphyrinogen oxidase, the activity of which is mainly present in mitochondria of transfected cultured cells, thereby indicating that mammalian coproporphyrinogen oxidase is mitochondrial enzyme [3].
  • SCO2 is critical for regulating the cytochrome c oxidase (COX) complex, the major site of oxygen utilization in the eukaryotic cell [20].
  • RESULTS: Whereas ddl had no effects, d4T, ZDV and ddC significantly decreased cellular lipid accumulation (by 32%, 46% and 24%, respectively), increased apoptosis and induced mitochondrial depolarization. d4T, ZDV and ddC decreased adipocyte mtDNA (by 64%, 53% and 46%, respectively) and reduced the mtDNA encoded COX II subunit [21].

Associations of Cpox with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Cpox


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cpox

  • Molecular cloning, sequencing, and functional expression of a cDNA encoding human coproporphyrinogen oxidase [1].
  • Two degenerate oligonucleotides based on the sequences of trypsin-digested peptides were used in a polymerase chain reaction to amplify a 198-base pair fragment of coproporphyrinogen oxidase DNA, using bovine kidney cells cDNA as a starting template [3].
  • Sequence analysis revealed that coproporphyrinogen oxidase comprises 354 amino acid residues (M(r) 40,647), with a putative leader sequence of 31 amino acid residues, the result being a mature protein of 323 amino acid residues (M(r) 37,255) [3].
  • Then, lipid accumulation (oil red staining), apoptosis (flow cytometry, PARP-cleavage), mitochondrial mass (Mitotracker) and DNA (mtDNA), cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunits and mitochondrial membrane potential (JC-1) were quantified [21].
  • From a morphologic view point, the application of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to the study of COX deficiency in muscle has revealed specific patterns that -we believe- are helpful both for diagnosis and for directing sequencing studies of either mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or nuclear DNA (nDNA) genes [27].


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