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Gene Review

Cftr  -  cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 7, Abcc7, CFTR, Channel conductance-controlling ATPase, Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, ...
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Disease relevance of Cftr


High impact information on Cftr


Chemical compound and disease context of Cftr


Biological context of Cftr


Anatomical context of Cftr


Associations of Cftr with chemical compounds

  • Glibenclamide, unlike secretin and forskolin, was able to stimulate secretion in Cftr tm1Unc mice, thus indicating that this secretory mechanism was preserved [18].
  • Upon ovarian hyperstimulation, rats develop OHSS symptoms, with up-regulated CFTR expression and enhanced CFTR channel activity, which can also be mimicked by administration of estrogen, but not progesterone, alone in ovariectomized rats [1].
  • Administration of progesterone that suppresses CFTR expression or antiserum against CFTR to OHSS animals results in alleviation of the symptoms [1].
  • Whether CFTR is present in vesicular compartments within chloride secretory cells in the intestine is unknown and the role of cAMP-dependent vesicle insertion in regulating CFTR and intestinal fluid secretion remains unclear [19].
  • The guanylin/uroguanylin receptor GC-C, cGKII, CFTR, and AE2 were all found in the same segments of the ductal system, where they were confined to the apical membrane of centroacinar cells and proximal duct epithelial cells, a circumstance suggesting that both peptides may act through the ductal lumen [8].

Regulatory relationships of Cftr


Other interactions of Cftr


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cftr


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