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Gene Review

Clcn1  -  chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 1

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Chloride channel protein 1, Chloride channel protein, skeletal muscle, ClC-1
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Disease relevance of Clcn1


Psychiatry related information on Clcn1

  • Injection of the GABAA receptor antagonist, bicuculline, or the antagonist of the GABAA chloride channel, picrotoxin, also produced a dose-related elevation in horizontal motor activity [6].

High impact information on Clcn1


Chemical compound and disease context of Clcn1


Biological context of Clcn1


Anatomical context of Clcn1


Associations of Clcn1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Clcn1


Regulatory relationships of Clcn1


Other interactions of Clcn1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Clcn1

  • To investigate the physiological role of a kidney-specific chloride channel (ClC-K1), we sought to determine its exact localization by immunohistochemistry and its functional regulation using Xenopus oocyte expression system [35].
  • Two monoclonal antibodies, bd-17 and bd-24, specific for the beta- and alpha-subunit of the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor/chloride channel complex, respectively, were used to determine the subcellular distribution of immunoreactivity in the cerebellum by electron microscopy [24].
  • After 3-days HU, Sol muscle immunostaining and RT-PCR experiments revealed no change in MHC protein and mRNA expression, whereas the gCl was already maximally increased, due to a pharmacologically probed, increased activity of ClC-1 channels [37].
  • Northern blot analysis suggested that this effect resulted from an increased ClC-1 chloride channel mRNA level [37].
  • 1. The effects of chloride channel blockers on pressure-induced constriction, K(+)-induced force, and whole-cell calcium channel currents were tested in rat cerebral arteries using isobaric and isometric myography, and patch clamp [38].


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