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Gene Review

Gli3  -  GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI854843, AU023367, Bph, GLI3 form of 190 kDa, GLI3 full length protein, ...
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Disease relevance of Gli3


High impact information on Gli3

  • Finally, by fate mapping Shh-responding cells in Gli2 and Gli3 mutant limbs, we demonstrate that a specific level of positive Hh signaling is not required to specify digit identities [6].
  • Essential function of Gli2 and Gli3 in the formation of lung, trachea and oesophagus [1].
  • The Xt heterozygotes show craniofacial defects and a polydactyly phenotype similar to GCPS [7].
  • Gli3 (the gene implicated in human Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome) is proposed to negatively regulate Shh by restricting its expression and influence to the posterior mesoderm [8].
  • However, whereas these cell identities are restored in Gli3/Smo compound mutants, correct stratification of the rescued ventral cell types is lost [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Gli3


Biological context of Gli3

  • Gli3 is required for Emx gene expression during dorsal telencephalon development [12].
  • However, its importance for lung development is shown by the finding that Gli3XtJ embryos, homozygous for a mutation involving a deletion of the Gli3 gene, have a stereotypic pattern of abnormalities in lung morphogenesis [13].
  • In Shh(-/-) or cyclopamine-treated wild-type (WT) lung, we found that Gli3R level is elevated, and this upregulation appears to contribute to defects in proliferation and differentiation observed in the Shh(-/-) mesenchyme, where Gli3 is normally expressed [14].
  • Sonic hedgehog signaling regulates Gli3 processing, mesenchymal proliferation, and differentiation during mouse lung organogenesis [14].
  • These results demonstrate that Gli2 and Gli3 share common regulatory mechanisms and modulate Hedgehog target gene expression directly and independently while also regulating Gli1 expression, which in specific contexts, coordinately contributes to target gene activation [15].

Anatomical context of Gli3

  • Here, we report on forebrain development in the extra toes (Xt(J)) mouse mutant which carries a null mutation of the Gli3 gene [12].
  • However, expression of Shh, which is negatively regulated by Gli3 in the spinal cord, is not affected in the Xt(J)/Xt(J) forebrain [12].
  • Together, our data demonstrate both positive and negative regulatory functions for Gli2 and Gli3 in the control of Myf5 activation in the epaxial muscle progenitor cells and in dorsoventral and mediolateral patterning of the somite [16].
  • Gli2 and Gli3 have redundant and context-dependent function in skeletal muscle formation [16].
  • By contrast, Gli2 is expressed uniformly in all cells in the developing cerebellum except Purkinje cells and Gli3 is broadly expressed along the anteroposterior axis [17].

Associations of Gli3 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Gli3


Other interactions of Gli3

  • Interplays of Gli2 and Gli3 and their requirement in mediating Shh-dependent sclerotome induction [28].
  • A similar regulatory mechanism involving the N-terminal region was also found for Gli3, but not for Gli1 [29].
  • Expression of Gli3 and Hand2 in the mutant limb indicates that the limb prepattern is abnormal [30].
  • The present study shows that establishment and positioning of the polarising region is regulated both by restriction of Shh through Gli3 and its positive feedback regulation through formin [31].
  • In Hx mice we found a down-regulation of Gli3 in the anterior region of the limb bud [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gli3


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  2. The Shh signalling pathway in tooth development: defects in Gli2 and Gli3 mutants. Hardcastle, Z., Mo, R., Hui, C.C., Sharpe, P.T. Development (1998) [Pubmed]
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