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Gene Review

MEF2A  -  myocyte enhancer factor 2A

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ADCAD1, MEF2, Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2A, RSRFC4, RSRFC9, ...
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Disease relevance of MEF2A

  • In addition, it is speculated that p300 might modulate the activity of the TR-RxR-MEF2A complex by recruiting a hypothetical endogenous inhibitor which may act like adenovirus E1A [1].
  • RECENT FINDINGS: Positional cloning based on genome-wide linkage analysis with large families identified the first non - lipid-related disease-causing gene, MEF2A (encoding a transcriptional factor), for coronary artery disease and myocardiaI infarction [2].
  • These results identify a pathogenic gene for a familial vascular disease with features of CAD and implicate the MEF2A signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of CAD/MI [3].
  • The myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) family of transcription factors is not only important for controlling gene expression in normal cellular programs, like muscle differentiation, T-cell apoptosis, neuronal survival, and synaptic differentiation, but has also been linked to cardiac hypertrophy and other pathological conditions [4].
  • We examined the expression of the MEF2 genes in mouse embryonal carcinoma P19 cells before and after in vitro muscle differentiation induced by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) [5].

High impact information on MEF2A

  • Cooperative activation of muscle gene expression by MEF2 and myogenic bHLH proteins [6].
  • This cooperativity required direct interactions between the DNA-binding domains of MEF2 and the myogenic bHLH factors, but only one of the factors needed a transactivation domain, and only one of the factors needed to be bound to DNA [6].
  • Several MEF2 co-repressors, such as Cabin1/Cain and class II histone deacetylases (HDACs), have been identified [7].
  • The myocyte enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) family of transcription factors has important roles in the development and function of T cells, neuronal cells and muscle cells [7].
  • Execution of the muscle differentiation program requires release of MEF2 from repression by HDACs, which are expressed constitutively in myoblasts and myotubes [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of MEF2A

  • Finally, Ang II increased protein synthesis, and this increase was inhibited by infection with an adenovirus construct that expresses the dominant-negative mutant of MEF2A but not by calcineurin inhibitors [9].

Biological context of MEF2A


Anatomical context of MEF2A


Associations of MEF2A with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of MEF2A

  • The MEF2 domain binds transcription factors MEF2A and MEF2D in vivo [12].
  • Furthermore, immunodepletion of the MEF2A-MEF2D complex from control extracts abolished binding to the MEF2 element [18].
  • Deletion of the GEF-binding domain (domain I) and the MEF2-binding domain prevented activation, strengthening the conclusion that promoter regulation occurs through these elements [12].
  • We report that HDAC4 and MITR contain calmodulin-binding domains that overlap with their MEF2-binding domains [21].
  • Here, we have characterized the complex between the MEF2-binding motif of class II HDACs and the MADS-box/MEF2S domain of MEF2B by structural and biochemical methods [22].

Enzymatic interactions of MEF2A

  • Threonines 312 and 319 within the transcription activation domain of MEF2A are the regulatory sites phosphorylated by p38 [23].
  • Taken together, these data demonstrate that, upon growth factor induction, BMK1 directly phosphorylates and activates three members of the MEF2 family of transcription factors thereby inducing MEF2-dependent gene expression [24].

Regulatory relationships of MEF2A

  • Consequently, we show that ICP0 is able to overcome the HDAC5 amino-terminal- and MITR-induced MEF2A repression in gene reporter assays [25].
  • Neither GEF nor MEF2A alone significantly activated GLUT4 promoter activity, but increased promoter activity 4- to 5-fold when expressed together [12].
  • In this study, we examined the potential role of the p38 MAP kinase pathway in regulating the other MEF2 family members [23].
  • The blocking of BMK1 signaling inhibits the epidermal growth factor-dependent activation of these three MEF2 transcription factors [24].
  • Supporting the physical interaction and deacetylase activity, HDAC3 repressed MEF2-dependent transcription and inhibited myogenesis [4].

Other interactions of MEF2A

  • These results identify MEF2A as a nuclear target for HDAC4-mediated repression and suggests that compartmentalization may be a novel mechanism for controlling the nuclear activity of this new family of deacetylases [11].
  • Here we show that HDAC7, a member of the class II histone deacetylases, specifically targets several members of myocyte enhancer factors, MEF2A, -2C, and -2D, and inhibits their transcriptional activity [26].
  • We have examined the interaction of PITX2 isoforms with myocyte-enhancing factor 2A (MEF2A), which is a known regulator of cardiac development [15].
  • A partially processed pseudogene (MEF2AP) corresponding to MEF2A was also isolated and characterized [27].
  • We have shown, by using transgenic mice, that the human GLUT4 promoter is regulated through the cooperative function of two distinct regulatory elements, domain 1 and the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) domain [12].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MEF2A


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  4. Histone deacetylase 3 interacts with and deacetylates myocyte enhancer factor 2. Grégoire, S., Xiao, L., Nie, J., Zhang, X., Xu, M., Li, J., Wong, J., Seto, E., Yang, X.J. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2007) [Pubmed]
  5. The MEF2B homologue differentially expressed in mouse embryonal carcinoma cells. Hidaka, K., Morisaki, T., Byun, S.H., Hashido, K., Toyama, K., Mukai, T. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1995) [Pubmed]
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  7. Sequence-specific recruitment of transcriptional co-repressor Cabin1 by myocyte enhancer factor-2. Han, A., Pan, F., Stroud, J.C., Youn, H.D., Liu, J.O., Chen, L. Nature (2003) [Pubmed]
  8. Signal-dependent nuclear export of a histone deacetylase regulates muscle differentiation. McKinsey, T.A., Zhang, C.L., Lu, J., Olson, E.N. Nature (2000) [Pubmed]
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  11. HDAC4 deacetylase associates with and represses the MEF2 transcription factor. Miska, E.A., Karlsson, C., Langley, E., Nielsen, S.J., Pines, J., Kouzarides, T. EMBO J. (1999) [Pubmed]
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  17. Phosphorylation and alternative pre-mRNA splicing converge to regulate myocyte enhancer factor 2C activity. Zhu, B., Gulick, T. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  18. The MEF2A isoform is required for striated muscle-specific expression of the insulin-responsive GLUT4 glucose transporter. Mora, S., Pessin, J.E. J. Biol. Chem. (2000) [Pubmed]
  19. Enhanced insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis in response to insulin, metformin or rosiglitazone is associated with increased mRNA expression of GLUT4 and peroxisomal proliferator activator receptor gamma co-activator 1. Al-Khalili, L., Forsgren, M., Kannisto, K., Zierath, J.R., Lönnqvist, F., Krook, A. Diabetologia (2005) [Pubmed]
  20. Post-translational control of the MEF2A transcriptional regulatory protein. Ornatsky, O.I., Cox, D.M., Tangirala, P., Andreucci, J.J., Quinn, Z.A., Wrana, J.L., Prywes, R., Yu, Y.T., McDermott, J.C. Nucleic Acids Res. (1999) [Pubmed]
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