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Gene Review

CABIN1  -  calcineurin binding protein 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CAIN, Calcineurin inhibitor, Calcineurin-binding protein cabin-1, KIAA0330, PPP3IN
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Disease relevance of CABIN1


Psychiatry related information on CABIN1

  • Recently, Olsson and Cain (2000, Chem. Senses, 25: 493) introduced a psychometric method which, for the first time, allows the standardized determination of odor quality discrimination (OQD) thresholds [6].
  • The review, which is largely based on presentations given by Dr. Richard Doty and Dr. William Cain, concludes by discussing the importance of the psychophysical approach, which considers physiochemical, subject, experimental, and cognitive/ psychological factors, for research in the chemical senses [7].

High impact information on CABIN1

  • Several MEF2 co-repressors, such as Cabin1/Cain and class II histone deacetylases (HDACs), have been identified [8].
  • Here we report a crystal structure of the MADS-box/MEF2S domain of human MEF2B bound to a motif of the transcriptional co-repressor Cabin1 and DNA at 2.2 A resolution [8].
  • Sequence-specific recruitment of transcriptional co-repressor Cabin1 by myocyte enhancer factor-2 [8].
  • TCR engagement led to an increase in intracellular calcium concentration and the dissociation of MEF2 from Cabin1, as a result of competitive binding of activated calmodulin to Cabin1 [9].
  • Cabin 1, a negative regulator for calcineurin signaling in T lymphocytes [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of CABIN1


Biological context of CABIN1


Anatomical context of CABIN1


Associations of CABIN1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of CABIN1


Regulatory relationships of CABIN1


Other interactions of CABIN1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CABIN1


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