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Gene Review

NPY  -  neuropeptide Y

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Disease relevance of NPY


High impact information on NPY

  • Whereas complete reconstitution of NPY effects could be obtained with alpha o, no single alpha subunit produced complete reconstitution of BK [3].
  • Seminalplasmin: recent evolution of another member of the neuropeptide Y gene family [5].
  • The adrenal gland is involved in the regulation of vascular tone by secretion of vasoactive agents such as catecholamines, neuropeptide Y, or endogenous ouabain [6].
  • In contrast, vesicles immunoisolated with synaptophysin beads did not contain detectable levels of NPY [7].
  • Furthermore, the vesicles immunoisolated with synaptotagmin beads contained significant amounts of neuropeptide Y (NPY) [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of NPY


Biological context of NPY


Anatomical context of NPY


Associations of NPY with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of NPY

  • Expression of LCR1 in mammalian cells revealed saturable and specific high affinity binding for 125I-NPY but not for any of the other ligands tested [18].

Regulatory relationships of NPY

  • These results indicate that NPY has the ability to inhibit the catalytic action of DBH [19].
  • In conclusion, TCV injection of NPY suppressed pituitary secretion of LH and simultaneously tended to increase pituitary secretion of GH [20].
  • Neuropeptide Y inhibits chromaffin cell nicotinic receptor-stimulated tyrosine hydroxylase activity through a receptor-linked G protein-mediated process [2].

Other interactions of NPY

  • NPY, Y1RL, and PYY displayed a concentration that inhibits the specific binding by 50% IC50 (nM) values of 4.06 +/- 1.66 (n = 4), 2.94 +/- 0.75 (n = 5), and 18.36 +/- 10.36 (n = 3), respectively [21].
  • Presynaptic inhibitory effects of the peptides NPY, PYY and PP on nicotinic EPSPs in guinea-pig gastric myenteric neurones [22].
  • Here we compare the exocytic release of fluorescently labelled neuropeptide Y (NPY) and tissue plasminogen activator from single granules [23].
  • In contrast to NPY, VIP was first found in the cortex [13].
  • NPY (20-80 pmol/ml) produced a dose-dependent depression of NE formation catalysed by the purified bovine adrenal DBH [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NPY


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  3. Differential G protein-mediated coupling of neurotransmitter receptors to Ca2+ channels in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro. Ewald, D.A., Pang, I.H., Sternweis, P.C., Miller, R.J. Neuron (1989) [Pubmed]
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  5. Seminalplasmin: recent evolution of another member of the neuropeptide Y gene family. Herzog, H., Hort, Y., Schneider, R., Shine, J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1995) [Pubmed]
  6. Coenzyme A glutathione disulfide. A potent vasoconstrictor derived from the adrenal gland. Schlüter, H., Meissner, M., van der Giet, M., Tepel, M., Bachmann, J., Gross, I., Nordhoff, E., Karas, M., Spieker, C., Witzel, H. Circ. Res. (1995) [Pubmed]
  7. Synaptotagmin: a membrane constituent of neuropeptide-containing large dense-core vesicles. Walch-Solimena, C., Takei, K., Marek, K.L., Midyett, K., Südhof, T.C., De Camilli, P., Jahn, R. J. Neurosci. (1993) [Pubmed]
  8. Neuropeptide Y inhibits forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells via a pertussis toxin-sensitive process. Zhu, J., Li, W., Toews, M.L., Hexum, T.D. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (1992) [Pubmed]
  9. Neuropeptide Y enhances ATP-induced formation of inositol phosphates in chromaffin cells. Zheng, J., Zhang, P., Toews, M., Hexum, T.D. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1997) [Pubmed]
  10. Neuropeptide Y secretion from bovine chromaffin cells inhibits cyclic AMP accumulation. Zheng, J., Zhou, G., Hexum, T.D. Life Sci. (2000) [Pubmed]
  11. Subcellular fractionation of bovine ganglion stellatum: co-storage of noradrenaline, Met-enkephalin and neuropeptide Y in large 'dense-cored' vesicles. Bastiaensen, E., Miserez, B., De Potter, W. Brain Res. (1988) [Pubmed]
  12. Linkage mapping of NPY to bovine chromosome 4. Thue, T.D., Buchanan, F.C. Anim. Genet. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  14. Role of sulfhydryl groups in Y2 neuropeptide Y receptor binding activity. Li, W., MacDonald, R.G., Hexum, T.D. J. Biol. Chem. (1992) [Pubmed]
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  16. An immunohistochemical study of neuropeptide Y in the bovine pineal gland. Phansuwan-Pujito, P., Pramaulkijja, S., Govitrapong, P., Møller, M. J. Pineal Res. (1993) [Pubmed]
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  19. Inhibitory effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on the in vitro activity of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. Cheng, J.T., Chang, C.L., Tsai, C.L. Neurosci. Lett. (1992) [Pubmed]
  20. Injection of neuropeptide Y into the third cerebroventricle differentially influences pituitary secretion of luteinizing hormone and growth hormone in ovariectomized cows. Thomas, M.G., Gazal, O.S., Williams, G.L., Stanko, R.L., Keisler, D.H. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. (1999) [Pubmed]
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  27. Effect of neuropeptide Y on GnRH-induced LH release from bovine anterior pituitary cell cultures derived from heifers in a follicular, luteal or ovariectomized state. Denniston, D.J., Thomas, M.G., Kane, K.K., Roybal, C.N., Canales, L., Hallford, D.M., Remmenga, M.D., Hawkins, D.E. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2003) [Pubmed]
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