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Gene Review

RBMY1A1  -  RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked,...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: RBM, RBM1, RBM2, RBMY, RBMY1C, ...
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Disease relevance of RBMY1A1

  • The RBMY gene family is found on the Y chromosome of all mammals, and microdeletions are strongly associated with infertility in men [1].
  • Its putative RNA-binding domain most closely resembles that of two previously characterized human RNA-binding proteins, YRRM, the gene for which has been implicated in azoospermia, and hnRNP G, a glycoprotein, also identified as an auto-antigen [2].
  • Our results suggest that RBMY is a new candidate oncogene specific for male liver cancer [3].
  • The nontumor liver counter parts, cirrhotic liver tissues from children with biliary atresia, and other types of cancers, such as bile duct, colon, stomach, lung, prostate, and kidney, were all negative for RBMY expression [3].
  • The RBMY transcripts, expressed exclusively in the testis of normal people, were detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in 36% of HCCs from 90 males and in 67% of hepatoblastoma from six boys [3].

High impact information on RBMY1A1


Biological context of RBMY1A1


Anatomical context of RBMY1A1

  • The wild-type RBMY protein was expressed in the nucleus and demonstrated its tumorigenicity by transformation of mouse fibroblast NIH3T3 cells and in vivo tumor formation [3].
  • The expression of RBMY, which is normally found only in male germ cells, was detected in HCC tissue 1217T by RT-PCR but not in the corresponding non-tumor liver tissue [8].
  • A YB-1 protein with a loss-of-function mutation in the RNA-binding motif no longer binds to the mRNA cap structure, is localized in the cell nucleus, does not induce the flat cellular phenotype, and fails to interfere with P3k- or Akt-induced oncogenic transformation [11].
  • Mouse homologues of the human AZF candidate gene RBM are expressed in spermatogonia and spermatids, and map to a Y chromosome deletion interval associated with a high incidence of sperm abnormalities [12].
  • A novel RNA-binding motif in omnipotent suppressors of translation termination, ribosomal proteins and a ribosome modification enzyme [13]?

Associations of RBMY1A1 with chemical compounds

  • The RBDs and another RNA binding motif found in the glycine-rich domain, the RGG box, are not required for A1 nuclear localization [14].
  • The longest cDNA predicts a protein of 312 amino acids (aa), which possesses a putative RNA-binding motif and a highly charged N-terminal region composed of three basic polylysine blocks [15].
  • Here, we have used in vivo assays, in both yeast and human cells, together with in vitro assays, to further characterize the RNA binding properties of Tap, which has been proposed to contain a novel leucine-rich RNA binding motif [16].
  • We have cloned and characterized two genomic loci encoding the human type II gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor and RNA-binding motif protein-8 (RBM8A) [17].
  • While isolating morphine-dependence-related genes with differential display, we cloned a novel human gene, zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA-binding motif 1 (ZCRB1, alias MADP-1) encoding a nuclear protein (217 residues) [18].

Physical interactions of RBMY1A1


Other interactions of RBMY1A1

  • Other monomeric DEAD/DExH RNA helicases (p68, NPH-II) have domains that match another RNA-binding motif, the RGG repeat [20].
  • Structure and organization of the RBMY genes on the human Y chromosome: transposition and amplification of an ancestral autosomal hnRNPG gene [21].
  • In order to search for mutations in the multicopy RBM genes that might be associated with male infertility, we have used sequence data from the reported cDNA clone to determine the intron exon boundaries of the YRRM 1 gene [22].
  • Similar pathways likely operate in germ cells and somatic cells, with RBMY, hnRNPGT and T-STAR proteins providing germ cell-specific components [23].
  • ADAR possesses three copies of the highly conserved RNA-binding motif (dsRBM) that are similar to the two copies found in PKR, the enzyme in which the prototype dsRBM motif was discovered [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RBMY1A1


  1. RBMY, a probable human spermatogenesis factor, and other hnRNP G proteins interact with Tra2beta and affect splicing. Venables, J.P., Elliott, D.J., Makarova, O.V., Makarov, E.M., Cooke, H.J., Eperon, I.C. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. RBM3, a novel human gene in Xp11.23 with a putative RNA-binding domain. Derry, J.M., Kerns, J.A., Francke, U. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1995) [Pubmed]
  3. RBMY, a male germ cell-specific RNA-binding protein, activated in human liver cancers and transforms rodent fibroblasts. Tsuei, D.J., Hsu, H.C., Lee, P.H., Jeng, Y.M., Pu, Y.S., Chen, C.N., Lee, Y.C., Chou, W.C., Chang, C.J., Ni, Y.H., Chang, M.H. Oncogene (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. The candidate spermatogenesis gene RBMY has a homologue on the human X chromosome. Delbridge, M.L., Lingenfelter, P.A., Disteche, C.M., Graves, J.A. Nat. Genet. (1999) [Pubmed]
  5. A human candidate spermatogenesis gene, RBM1, is conserved and amplified on the marsupial Y chromosome. Delbridge, M.L., Harry, J.L., Toder, R., O'Neill, R.J., Ma, K., Chandley, A.C., Graves, J.A. Nat. Genet. (1997) [Pubmed]
  6. A Y chromosome gene family with RNA-binding protein homology: candidates for the azoospermia factor AZF controlling human spermatogenesis. Ma, K., Inglis, J.D., Sharkey, A., Bickmore, W.A., Hill, R.E., Prosser, E.J., Speed, R.M., Thomson, E.J., Jobling, M., Taylor, K. Cell (1993) [Pubmed]
  7. TAP binds to the constitutive transport element (CTE) through a novel RNA-binding motif that is sufficient to promote CTE-dependent RNA export from the nucleus. Braun, I.C., Rohrbach, E., Schmitt, C., Izaurralde, E. EMBO J. (1999) [Pubmed]
  8. Characterization of integration patterns and flanking cellular sequences of hepatitis B virus in childhood hepatocellular carcinomas. Tsuei, D.J., Chang, M.H., Chen, P.J., Hsu, T.Y., Ni, Y.H. J. Med. Virol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  9. Expression and conservation of processed copies of the RBMX gene. Lingenfelter, P.A., Delbridge, M.L., Thomas, S., Hoekstra, H.E., Mitchell, M.J., Graves, J.A., Disteche, C.M. Mamm. Genome (2001) [Pubmed]
  10. Associations of homologous RNA-binding motif gene on the X chromosome (RBMX) and its like sequence on chromosome 9 (RBMXL9) with non-obstructive azoospermia. Tsujimura, A., Fujita, K., Komori, K., Tanjapatkul, P., Miyagawa, Y., Takada, S., Matsumiya, K., Sada, M., Katsuyama, Y., Ota, M., Okuyama, A. Asian J. Androl. (2006) [Pubmed]
  11. Y box-binding protein 1 induces resistance to oncogenic transformation by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. Bader, A.G., Felts, K.A., Jiang, N., Chang, H.W., Vogt, P.K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003) [Pubmed]
  12. Mouse homologues of the human AZF candidate gene RBM are expressed in spermatogonia and spermatids, and map to a Y chromosome deletion interval associated with a high incidence of sperm abnormalities. Mahadevaiah, S.K., Odorisio, T., Elliott, D.J., Rattigan, A., Szot, M., Laval, S.H., Washburn, L.L., McCarrey, J.R., Cattanach, B.M., Lovell-Badge, R., Burgoyne, P.S. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1998) [Pubmed]
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  15. Isolation and characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster gene encoding translation-initiation factor eIF-2 beta. Ye, X., Cavener, D.R. Gene (1994) [Pubmed]
  16. Analysis of the RNA binding specificity of the human tap protein, a constitutive transport element-specific nuclear RNA export factor. Kang, Y., Bogerd, H.P., Yang, J., Cullen, B.R. Virology (1999) [Pubmed]
  17. The genes encoding the type II gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor and the ribonucleoprotein RBM8A in humans overlap in two genomic loci. Faurholm, B., Millar, R.P., Katz, A.A. Genomics (2001) [Pubmed]
  18. Isolation, expression, and characterization of the human ZCRB1 gene mapped to 12q12. Wang, H., Gao, M.X., Li, L., Wang, B., Hori, N., Sato, K. Genomics (2007) [Pubmed]
  19. Identification of ZFR, an ancient and highly conserved murine chromosome-associated zinc finger protein. Meagher, M.J., Schumacher, J.M., Lee, K., Holdcraft, R.W., Edelhoff, S., Disteche, C., Braun, R.E. Gene (1999) [Pubmed]
  20. Detection of dsRNA-binding domains in RNA helicase A and Drosophila maleless: implications for monomeric RNA helicases. Gibson, T.J., Thompson, J.D. Nucleic Acids Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
  21. Structure and organization of the RBMY genes on the human Y chromosome: transposition and amplification of an ancestral autosomal hnRNPG gene. Chai, N.N., Zhou, H., Hernandez, J., Najmabadi, H., Bhasin, S., Yen, P.H. Genomics (1998) [Pubmed]
  22. Degeneracy in human multicopy RBM (YRRM), a candidate spermatogenesis gene. Prosser, J., Inglis, J.D., Condie, A., Ma, K., Kerr, S., Thakrar, R., Taylor, K., Cameron, J.M., Cooke, H.J. Mamm. Genome (1996) [Pubmed]
  23. The role of potential splicing factors including RBMY, RBMX, hnRNPG-T and STAR proteins in spermatogenesis. Elliott, D.J. Int. J. Androl. (2004) [Pubmed]
  24. Adenovirus VAI RNA antagonizes the RNA-editing activity of the ADAR adenosine deaminase. Lei, M., Liu, Y., Samuel, C.E. Virology (1998) [Pubmed]
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